Maithili Film: Taigh Chearsabhagh #CALL #Community #Maithili #Other_Tongues #Research #Taigh_Chearsabhagh #Video #gàidhlig @gaidhlig Le Gordon Wells Under his pen name ‘Nachiketa’, poet and professor Udaya Narayana Singh presents his Maithili version of the Island Voices film about the Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre: एखन अहाँ लोकनि जे तथ्य-चित्र देखै जा रहल छी, ततय स्कॉटलैंड केर आउटर हेब्रिड्स मे स्थित
#CALL #community #maithili #other_tongues #Research #taigh_chearsabhagh #video #Gaidhlig