I just got the printed proof of my book, The Little Taijiquan Manual for Beginners, from Amazon.
There's a couple of small adjustments to be made, and it will be out in a few days!
Design by Walter Mariano, illustrations by Ian Indiano.
Master Chen Yingjun is on the cover.
#book #author
#taijiquan #taichi #taichichuan #chenjiagou #yinyang #kungfu #gongfu #chenxiaowang #chenyingjun #wushu #wellness #health #qigong #chikung #meditation #ottawa #canada
#book #author #taijiquan #taichi #taichichuan #chenjiagou #yinyang #kungfu #gongfu #chenxiaowang #chenyingjun #wushu #wellness #health #qigong #chikung #meditation #Ottawa #Canada
Non ho resistito !!! 😁😁😁
#taijiquan #taichi #taichichuan #botticelli #meme #venere #taichipertutti #opentomeraviglia
#taijiquan #taichi #taichichuan #botticelli #meme #venere #taichipertutti #opentomeraviglia
Feeling proud of myself, or what I did over the winter and early spring ...
Here's a fresh translation of the Taijiquan Classics, together with commentary, background discussion, and a number of side trips.
#taichi #taijiquan #theclassics
Il bot 🤖 su telegram si arricchisce delle sezioni dedicate alle 'Pillole di Taichi' ☯️ e alle pratiche di mindfulness di 'Fermati! Respira' 🧘🏻. L'attivazione è semplice: basta cercare 🔎 la parola ‘Chentaichi’ in telegram o utilizzare il link 🔗:
#bot #telegram #taichi #taijiquan #chentaichi #kaibu #mabu #pilloleditaichi #centratura #video #3d #modello #unminuto #oneminute #mindfulness #respirazione #yinyang #benessere #salute #mindfullnessitalia #meditazione #belluno
#bot #telegram #taichi #taijiquan #chentaichi #kaibu #mabu #pilloleditaichi #centratura #video #3d #modello #unminuto #OneMinute #mindfulness #respirazione #yinyang #benessere #salute #mindfullnessitalia #meditazione #belluno
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 is almost here. I am now waiting for the print proof from Amazon, which should arrive in three weeks!
#taijiquan #taichi #book #author #Ottawa #wellness #breath #meditation #kungfu #Canada
#taijiquan #taichi #book #author #Ottawa #wellness #breath #meditation #kungfu #Canada
Rien ne peut se faire en #taijiquan #taichichuan sans cet état de relâchement – structuré et dans l'extension – qu'on appelle #fangsong.
#taijiquan #taichichuan #fangsong
After a year of work, I’ve finished translating my book to English. I explain all the basic concepts needed to understand what Tai Chi (Taijiquan) is actually about, beyond the mystified usual common sense ideas floating around. It should be out on Amazon in a month’s time.
Here’s some of the artwork by Ian Indiano, the illustrator. Book design by Walter Mariano and Chinese calligraphy by Giankarlo Huback.
#taijiquan #taichi #taichichuan #chentaichichuan #chenjiagou #kungfu #gongfu #ottawa #canada #author #book #selfpublishing
#taijiquan #taichi #taichichuan #chentaichichuan #chenjiagou #kungfu #gongfu #Ottawa #Canada #author #book #selfpublishing
I am a Tai Chi teacher residing in Canada.
I started my professional life at 18 years old, as an Airline Pilot. When I was 29, I was introduced to Taijiquan (Tai Chi), and lived in Australia and China to learn from Master Chen Yingjun. After 10 years of indoor practice, I decided to dedicate full time to Taijiquan, and began teaching in 2008. I have hosted many seminars for my Shīfù, published a Taijiquan magazine for 9 years, taught numerous Tai Chi instructors, and supervised the certification of many others.
I have also had extensive Acupuncture training and have run an Acupunture clinic for 8 years.
I authored my first book on Taijiquan in 2021, which translation to English is finished, and will be available shortly.
#introduction #taichi #TaiChiChuan #taijiquan #book #author #Ottawa #Canada
I believe in Democracy - it’s the best we have - and I am an admirer of Science. I think kindness and friendship are among the best things in life, and I respect everyone for who they are.
#introduction #taichi #taichichuan #taijiquan #book #author #Ottawa #Canada
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Le #taijiquan n'est pas de la danse. Mais il est sans doute l'art martial capable de porter la plus forte charge et expression artistique.
Chen Fake est un maître important pour le style #Chen du #TaijiQuan. En s'installant à Pékin, il a donné de la visibilité à ce style. Son talent de pratiquant n'est pas passé inaperçu. Hai Yang 🇨🇦 explique tout dans cette épisode sur sa chaîne youtube.
Pubblicato il terzo #reel, dedicato alla maestra Carmela Filosa, sul canale #instagram della Italy Chen Xiaojia. #icxj #taijiquan #kdenlive #canva
#reel #instagram #icxj #taijiquan #kdenlive #canva
剣 42式総合太極剣 全套路 背面 中村元鴻 https://www.moezine.com/465490/
#24式 #32式 #32式太極剣 #42式 #42式太極拳 #announcer #BrueceLee #ChineseMartialArts #Genko #JackieChan #JetLi #nakamura #Taichi #TAIJI #Taijiquan #Wushu #Wushutaijiquan #アナ #アナ美人 #げんこう #そうごう #たいきょくけん #つるぎ総合太極拳 #なかむら #中医学 #中国武術 #中村 #中村元鴻 #中村慶子 #五行 #健康体操 #元鴻 #太極剣 #太極拳 #女子アナ #女子アナ美人 #成龍 #李小龍 #李連杰 #武術 #武術太極拳 #気功 #生涯スポーツ #簡化 #簡化24式太極拳 #簡化太極拳 #総合 #虚実 #陰陽
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2nd leg of trip to #heavenOnEarth #CostaRica. The beautiful open air hall where we practice #taijiquan. Mountains seen from the practice hall. A sliver of cloud forest at the Cloud Bridge Preserve. A rhinoceros katydid seen in a garden in the preserve.
#heavenonearth #costarica #taijiquan
Intervista a ChatGPT sul Taijiquan: l’Intelligenza Artificiale, del chatbot più famoso del Web, risponde alle mie domande sul Taijiquan, a partire da “Cosa è il Taijiquan?” per finire con “Puoi descrivere la tecnica Jin Ji Du Li ?”
#taijiquan #taichi #chatgpt #openai #ia #ai #intelligenzaartificiale
#taijiquan #taichi #chatgpt #openai #ia #ai #intelligenzaartificiale
Veloce compendio sul taijiquan, dal nome ai suoi benefici, passando per Zhang Sanfeng, Yang Luchan e la famiglia Chen
#taijiquan #taichi #yang #chen #benefici #sclerosi #yinyang #zhangsanfeng #benessere
#taijiquan #taichi #yang #chen #Benefici #sclerosi #yinyang #zhangsanfeng #benessere