Giovanni · @giovanni
79 followers · 55 posts · Server

Seo Indo Chinese Rat Snake. Tha iad buileach cumanta ann an Àisia an Ear-dheas. Gun chron do dhaoine, marbhtach do chreimich, brèagha dhan a h-uile duine - a' mhòr-chuid co-dhiù 😊

#tailann #aisiaaneardheas #nadair #nathair #gaidhlig

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
74 followers · 56 posts · Server

Seo Bony Headed Toad แค่นี่


#toad #thailand #tailann #marag #buabh #gaidhlig

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
74 followers · 55 posts · Server

'S fheudar gu bheil ràith briodachaidh ann oir tha dà eun, mar an tè seo, a' seinn an òran shònraichte aca "hù Hù HÙ HÙ.." fad an latha. Ged 's e call beagan rògach a th' ann, tha e fhathast gu math brèagha.

'S urrainn dhut ris an òran aca èisteachd an seo

Aidh!Dhìochuimhnich mi - 's e Greater Coucal a th' air!

#thailand #tailann #greatercoucal #bird #birding #didearachdeun #Eun #gaidhlig

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
73 followers · 53 posts · Server

Cluinnidh sinn tric an t-eun seo ach 's ann ainneamh a chì sinn e. 'S e Blue Winged Pitta a th' air (èist an seo

Often heard but rarely seen, this is a Blue Winged Pitta (listen here

#thailand #tailann #nature #nadair #didearachdeun #Eoin #birdwatching #birds #gaidhlig

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
71 followers · 46 posts · Server

'S e seillean glè mhòr a th' ann an Carpenter Bee*. Nuair am biniad a' sgèith seachad, fuaimnichidh iad mar sgaoth de seilleanan nas lugha, ach tha iad brèagha agus neo-chronail mar na calmain

* Seillean-saor? 😉😂

The Carpenter Bee is a rather large bee; when it flies by, it sounds like a swarm of smaller bees, but they are beautiful and as harmless as doves

#nadair #nature #thailand #tailann #bee #Seillean #gaidhlig

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
67 followers · 45 posts · Server

Seo Asian Koel boireann*. Cha toil le tòrr dhaoine an eun seo oir seinnidh iad gu math fuaimneach tràth sa mhadainn. An òran aca:

Dè do bheachd air?

*Dè na faclan a th' ann airson eun "fireann/boireann"?

This is a female Asian Koel. Many people don't like this bird because it sings really loudly early in the morning. Their song:

What do you think?

#thailand #tailann #gaidhlig #didearachdeun #birdwatching #birds #bird #Eoin #Eun

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
20 followers · 37 posts · Server

Good morning Scotland and good afternoon Vietnam. What was this Ashy Minivet looking at?

Madainn mhath do dh'Alba agus feasgar math do Bhiet Nam. Dè a choimhead an Ashy Minivet seo?

#tailann #thailand #gaidhlig #birding

Last updated 2 years ago

Giovanni · @giovanni
20 followers · 37 posts · Server

Hi all.... have you ever seen a Black Baza? These photos were taken in Southern Thailand

Halò dhuibh uile! Am faca sibh a-riamh am Black Baza? Thog mi na dealbhan seo ann an Tailann a Deas

#gaidhlig #tailann #thailand #birding

Last updated 2 years ago