A grad student at the #UniversityOfNorthCarolina at #ChapelHill has been charged in the fatal #shooting of one of his professors on Mon, a killing that spread fear across the campus & forced an hourslong #lockdown.
#TaileiQi #FirstDegreeMurder #possession #firearm #ZijieYan #CourtFiling #UNC #NC #GunControl #GunSense #RedFlagLaws #UniversalBackgroundChecks #law
#universityofnorthcarolina #chapelhill #shooting #lockdown #taileiqi #firstdegreemurder #possession #firearm #zijieyan #courtfiling #unc #nc #guncontrol #gunsense #redflaglaws #universalbackgroundchecks #law
▶️ #Breaking | Shooting in NC | The person of interest in custody @ UNC-#ChapelHill is #TaileiQi.
He is doing post-grad work at the University's Yan Lab. Enrolled in 2022.
Previous enrollments:
Louisiana State University, Material Science
Wuhan University, Physics
#taileiqi #chapelhill #Breaking