I’m looking at you kiwi drivers 👀
“A study of real-world driving shows both tailgating and speeding increase the odds of being in a crash more than if driving while holding or dialling a mobile phone.“
#tailgaters #roadrage #driving
Fucking German Shepherds are always tailgating!
#dogsofmastodon #germansheperds #tailgaters
RT @westilltailgate@twitter.com
Less than 24 hours until the last tailgate of the season #Argp #Tailgaters! Expect a huge crowd in the parking lot so get there early! #WeStillTailgate #CFLEastFinal https://twitter.com/westilltailgate/status/1590443885763121152
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/westilltailgate/status/1591435534831869952
#argp #tailgaters #westilltailgate #cfleastfinal
3 Cretins tailgating on the M40 this morning.
I only commute 3 days a week, but I regularly see shunts. Last night I saw 3 cars in the outside lane, with the rearmost one actually underneath the back of the middle one.
#cretins #tailgaters #motorway
#tailgaters #motorway #cretins