Just finished soldering Bubbleology's [UT22](https://github.com/Bubbleology/ut22) keyboard. It's made for using combo-heavy layouts such as artsey.io or taipo.
Used the @0xcb Helios. (It's green since it's a proto.)
Keycaps are 3d-printed (Black MJF from JLCPCB), their profile is Chicago Steno by Pseudoku.
#keyboard #keyboards #mechanicalkeyboard #mechanicalkeyboards #artseyio #taipo
#keyboard #keyboards #mechanicalkeyboard #mechanicalkeyboards #artseyio #taipo
Besides being a #Cantonese speaking #IrishBornChinese, I also understand #Hakka. My mom is from #LamTsuen ( #TaiPo, #HongKong).
One thing Lam Tsuen is famous for is their Wishing Tree (they re-opened to public this year and was jammered during #LunarNewYear recently).
This video gives you a wee glimpse of a Lam Tsuen through Hakka (there's English subtitles). It's one of my fav cultural heritage YT channels to learn more about Hakka food, language & its culture). Enjoy! https://youtu.be/jy9J9gx4toE
#cantonese #IrishBornChinese #hakka #lamtsuen #taipo #hongkong #lunarnewyear
RT @HKstreetart@twitter.com
"3 bullets LOVE? NEVER FORGET" in Tai Po. Photographed by @deedee_da@twitter.com
#taipo #newterritories #nt #hkstreetart #hkgraffiti #fuckthepopo #fuckthepolice #graffitihk #graffitihongkong #hongkonggraffiti #standwithhongkong #freehongkong #antielab #freedomhk #hkpf #carrielam #di…
#taipo #newterritories #nt #hkstreetart #hkgraffiti #fuckthepopo #fuckthepolice #graffitihk #graffitihongkong #hongkonggraffiti #standwithhongkong #freehongkong #antielab #freedomhk #hkpf #carrielam #di