Oh, darn. So much for trying the stinky tofu this Taiwan trip. 😉 #taiwanfood #taiwan #stinkytofu
#taiwanfood #taiwan #stinkytofu
台湾旅行の帰国日はミシェランガイドの小籠包とお土産探しで満足度UPシニア夫婦台湾旅行2023 https://www.wacoca.com/tour/99428/
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酥餅 is EVEN HARDER TO FIND in the states and the wife doesn't appreciate them at all, it makes me so sad. I've made my fair share of them at home filled with pancetta and leaks but man my kungfu isn't righteous enough to compare to any run of the mill spot anywhere. My favorite filling is just green onion or 小酥饼 #taiwanfood
So yeah what were the things I always seek out: when without the wife, it's all about the breakfast and the bing 餅 #taiwanfood
#Taiwanfood Here is another frugal dinner with friends in Taipei... :mincedporkrice: :taiwanmap:
And my healthy lunch theme continues… I actually find it quite interesting how these lunchboxes tastes very different albeit all labelled as boiled food. It’s not bland at all. I’m finding to appreciate the actual ingredients more.
#taiwanfood #哈囉你好 #食壯哥健康餐盒 #59麵館
Dinner... At least a part; I collapsed after the sword fish, I couldn't take the pics, dazed and confused by the early time meal (5pm) #小琉球 #Taiwanfood
#Taiwanfood Finalyyyyyyy!!!! Now it's all about you and me, Mr.... #mapotofu ! 😀