Das japanische #AKW #Takahama-1 ist nach 12-jähriger Pause wieder angefahren worden. Aktuell werden verschiedene Tests durchgeführt. Ab Ende August soll der älteste Reaktor Japans dann im Regelbetrieb laufen: https://www.kepco.co.jp/corporate/pr/2023/pdf/20230728_5j.pdf
Was wird schon schief gehen?
#Japan #Takahama #Atomkraft #kernspaltung
#japan #takahama #atomkraft #kernspaltung
"Kansai Electric Power Co. on Friday rebooted a nuclear reactor at its #Takahama power plant in central Japan's Fukui Prefecture for the first time in 12 years, making it the oldest operating reactor in Japan."
"Of the more than 40 commercial reactors nationwide, 11 reactors are currently in operation."
#KEPCO #Japan #NuclearPower
🔸Strangely, little talk of saving electricity to avoid blackouts in #Tokyo despite the scorching heat. Not sure what has changed.🤔
#takahama #kepco #japan #NuclearPower #tokyo
✍️ Design of a beach café, Japan ☕️
The Takahama Café manages to move away from merely practical architecture, and not only because of its bold exterior.
👉 You may READ or either SUBSCRIBE to our summary of news and updates through link: https://amusementlogic.com/general-news/design-of-a-beach-cafe-japan/
#japan #takahama #tottori #design #architecture #construction #tourism #leisure #Holidays #travel #travelling #travellife #traveller
#japan #takahama #tottori #design #architecture #construction #tourism #leisure #holidays #travel #travelling #travellife #traveller