Getting a northwest wind (straight onto the beach) with a bit of swell the last couple of days. Picked up more small bits of plastic than i have in ages.
When ever we get this direction of wind i'm always excited to go to the beach and rummage through what washes up. Picking up the plastic like this is my entry fee 😆
#beach #MarlboroughSounds #take3forthesea
#FlyingDog doing my bit to keep our beach nice and tidy! We did a #LitterPick on our way back along the beach and collected a carrier bag of rubbish including a lot of #PlasticWaste which was safely disposed of in the bin and gave us some #LitterLotto entries!
#DogsOfMastodon #BorderCollie #BorderColliesOfMastodon #HoverDog #PawsOnPlastic #KeepScotlandBeautiful #Take3ForTheSea
#take3forthesea #keepscotlandbeautiful #pawsonplastic #hoverdog #bordercolliesofmastodon #bordercollie #dogsofmastodon #litterlotto #plasticwaste #litterpick #flyingdog