Sorry to interrupt your scrolling
but I thought you should know
that you are amazing
just the way you are!!
I have 4 ready-to-shoot indies that will qualify for the #SAGAFTRA interim agreement:
1. Fully financed, partly cast drama
2. Fully financed, uncast drama
3. Partly financed (~$1M soft money!), partly cast drama
4. Partly financed, non-SAG doc
Going for gold (#Oscars) -- and more importantly, cinema longevity -- on all four. Who's in??
(I also have 3 unfinanced but partly cast films, if interested. Inquire within!) Long live #indiefilm! #TakeCareOfEachOther #KeepHopeAlive
#sagaftra #oscars #indiefilm #takecareofeachother #keephopealive
A concern for the common good–keeping the common good in mind–is a moral attitude. It recognizes that we're all in it together.
If there is no common good, there's no society.
–The Common Good by Robert Reich
#Books #Quotes #Morals #TheCommonGood #Altruism #TakeCareOfEachOther
#Books #quotes #morals #thecommongood #altruism #takecareofeachother
RT @amsi81
As we lift up prayers for #JamieFoxx please let remember to know where you stand.
Do you know your current Blood Pressure reading ?
Do you know your Cholesterol levels?
Do you know your A1C? Or Blood Sugar levels?
#jamiefoxx #takecareofeachother
Lockdown Archives // 2020 Photos Revisited
Reflecting on the past 3 years, and I feel we’re still very much in a collective reset that kicked off at the start of the pandemic. Systems, institutions, unpromising companies, and people are falling apart — but I’d say that’s indication to re/align and build something better… ☝🏽 for the good of the world. #optimistic #hopeful #BeKind #TakeCareOfEachOther
#optimistic #hopeful #bekind #takecareofeachother
Cistem failure: Stick Together
"Cause we don't know how far they will go with us this time.
So let's tell each other that we love them whenever we can.
Let's keep each other safe as we possibly can!"
#StickTogether #CistemFailure #Music #Musik #NowListen #TakeCareOfEachOther #SoWeCanBeDangerousTogether
#sticktogether #cistemfailure #music #musik #NowListen #takecareofeachother #sowecanbedangeroustogether
We really need to be #aware of what we #create in this world and how it #contributes to our lives. As well as consider how we #contribute to that #creation indirectly, resulting in perpetuated problems.
Here's an example:
#takecareofeachother #takecareofyourself #takecareoftheearth #connect to #higherself #intuition #guidence
#aware #create #contributes #contribute #creation #takecareofeachother #takecareofyourself #takecareoftheearth #connect #higherself #intuition #guidence
Stay safe and warm, folks. It’s getting serious out here. Check on your vulnerable neighbors, family, pets. This is deadly stuff.
#winterstorm #chicago #takecareofeachother
Beim Spenden gilt: Tu Gutes und sprich darüber. Um andere darauf aufmerksam zu machen. Ich habe in den letzten gut 15 Jahren immer gespendet, natürlich orientiert daran, was mir gerade möglich war. Auch kleine Summen helfen. Dauerspenden (bei mir z.B. für #SeaWatch) helfen den Empfängern, zu planen. #takecareofeachother
#seawatch #takecareofeachother
The Raven And The Red-Tailed Hawk, Gord Downie + Bob Rock | November 22, 2022
1. The Raven And The Red-Tailed Hawk
2. Lustre Parfait
3. Is There Nowhere
#NewRelease #Canada #Canadian #CanadianMusic #CBCMusic #CBCRadio #NothingButGraceRadio #WeGatherInTheDark #MusicLover #HipFan #TheHip #TragicallyHip #TheTragicallyHip #TTH #GordDownie #ManWhoWalksAmongTheStars #WicapiOmani #DoSomething #LegacySchools #DownieWenjackFund #AreWeFamily #TakeCareOfEachOther
#newrelease #canada #canadian #CanadianMusic #cbcmusic #cbcradio #nothingbutgraceradio #wegatherinthedark #musiclover #hipfan #thehip #tragicallyhip #thetragicallyhip #tth #gorddownie #manwhowalksamongthestars #wicapiomani #dosomething #legacyschools #downiewenjackfund #arewefamily #takecareofeachother
Help someone out today!#TakeCareOfEachOther
Say something nice about your pet today!#KindnessToAnimalsDay#TakeCareOfEachOther
#kindnesstoanimalsday #takecareofeachother
Take care of each other this cold season 🍨 🤧
#TakeCareWithSnoopy #takecareofeachother
It’s always good to lend a helping hand#TakeCareOfEachOther
Great friends lift us up when we’re feeling down#TakeCareOfEachOther
Making someone feel better is the best accomplishment there is
#takecareofeachother #TakeCareWithSnoopy
It’s#WorldListeningDay! Listening to others is a great way to learn something new and build strong relationships!#TakeCareOfEachOther#TakeCareWithSnoopy
#WorldListeningDay #takecareofeachother #TakeCareWithSnoopy
Take Care of Each Other and celebrate the stars of your life with this new activity sheet! You can download for free here:
#TakeCareWithSnoopy #takecareofeachother
Gazing at the stars helps Charlie Brown and the gang gain some perspective, reminding them to cherish the moments spent with the people who make their life brighter!
#takecareofeachother #TakeCareWithSnoopy
Pay someone a compliment today and let them know they matter to you!#TakeCareOfEachOther#TakeCareWithSnoopy
#takecareofeachother #TakeCareWithSnoopy