What is it going to take for Jane and Joe shmoe (and every schmuck in between) to recognize that the state is horrible, and must go?
The evidence is overwhelming!
The suffering, death, chaos, mayhem and destruction is everywhere, and it's happening all the time (it's omnipresent and ever-present)!
Here's an update on some fun state sponsored bullshit.
They have the power to keep us from knowing what they are doing!?
Capitalism is THE source of ALL of humanity's problems.
The State is the mechanism by which capitalist oligarchs maintain power- the very few, over the very many!
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule!
'Culture war' is divide and conquer mechanism employed by oligarchs- through their minions (politicians) to obfuscate their theft and control, and to ultimately subvert our collective power!
What's it going to take?
#AbolishAllStates #AbolishCapitalism
#RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #abolishallstates #abolishcapitalism #takepower #directdemocracy