a summary of some understandings of #autistic #masking, #neurodivergence, and the #TakeTheMaskOff campaign.
"So I am just going to put it out there for people who know more to tell me whether I am on the right track or not." - this seems like an invitation for #autists to comment on her Crooked Timber post
#autists #takethemaskoff #neurodivergence #masking #autistic
@shebang @roundy You know you #LoveBigly, too SheBang. #takethemaskoff #letlovein
#LoveBigly #letlovein #takethemaskoff
"Recordatorio de que las etiquetas de 'funcionamiento' describen la habilidad de una persona autista de 'parecer normales' (desde afuera). No describen la manera en la que esa persona experimenta ser autista. #SoyAutista #QuítateLaMáscara #TakeTheMaskOff"
#soyautista #quítatelamáscara #takethemaskoff