one of the most persistent memories I have of working at the mall record store as a teenager in the late ‘80s was the small VHS rental selection we had in the back and how I'd laugh uncontrollably every time I saw this on the shelf
7 Things That Happen to Your Body When You #TaketheStairs Every Day
I’ve told patients for years that just a couple of minutes of burst exercise can hugely improve their overall health.
New study: 2 minutes 3x/week cuts death risk from ❤️ disease 50%, cancer death risk by 40%. Big benefit, minimal effort.
Take the stairs, chase an escaping toddler/pet, dance like nobody’s watching.
#HeartDisease #Cancer #Exercise #MoveYourBody #HealthyLiving #TakeTheStairs #DanceLikeNoOneIsWatching
#heartdisease #cancer #exercise #moveyourbody #healthyliving #takethestairs #dancelikenooneiswatching
Tough Tassie 🐯 #RhyanMansell only managed 2 snr games in '22 but looking at recent training pics he's spent plenty of time in the gym over the break.
His hunger & desire to improve is no doubt why he finds himself still on the list ahead of others. Good luck lad.💪#takethestairs #gotiges
#rhyanmansell #takethestairs #gotiges