I wrote a little blog post for #JusAdAstra on #CelestialCitizen's short film #takeupspace.
If you are in the aerospace industry and want to be an ally of women and other marginalized groups, I urge you to watch this film.
#takeupspace #celestialcitizen #jusadastra
#TenetsOfBeingTheMainCharacter #ThisIsYourStory #PutYourselfFirst #DoThingsYouWantToDo #WhenYouWantToDoThem #StopQuestioningWhatSideCharactersWillThink #PracticeRadicalSelfLove #MainCharactersDontHateThemselves #SpendTimeAlone #GetToKnowYourselfAgain #TakeUpSpace #YouAreTheMainCharacter #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay
#tenetsofbeingthemaincharacter #thisisyourstory #putyourselffirst #dothingsyouwanttodo #whenyouwanttodothem #stopquestioningwhatsidecharacterswillthink #practiceradicalselflove #maincharactersdonthatethemselves #spendtimealone #gettoknowyourselfagain #takeupspace #youarethemaincharacter #quote #quoteoftheday
I took this picture with my phone while sitting in the full parking lot of a retail store. This tree was outside of my car window. It just stood there surrounded by carts, cars, and general human business. It does not know it is not in a forest. (Or, maybe it does.) It just knows it is a tree and it is doing what it is supposed to do. It is not allowing circumstances or the fact that it is not located in a place that makes it part of an awe inspiring landscape to stop it from being large and lovely. The afternoon sun still finds it. It caught my attention and compelled me to capture it. It is present and accounted for and being authentic. I aspire to be more like this tree. #Nature #SelfCare #Authenticity #SelfAwareness #BeYou #ShowUp #RadicalSelfCare #TakeUpSpace #BlackMastodon #HumanRights #WomensHistoryMonth #Boundaries #MentalHealth #Tree #Trees #Rest #Sunshine #Sun #Coach #Voice #Power
#Nature #selfcare #authenticity #selfawareness #beyou #showup #radicalselfcare #takeupspace #blackmastodon #humanrights #womenshistorymonth #boundaries #mentalhealth #tree #trees #rest #sunshine #sun #coach #voice #power
Do blonds have more fun? Regardless, I'll look good doing it!
#28DaysOfBlackCosplay #BlackJoy #BreakingNormal #PlusSize #TakeUpSpace #EmbraceYourCurves #Cosplay #TBINAA #PlusSizeCosplayer #MarvelComics #BbwCosplayer
#EmmaFrostCosplay #BlackCanary
#28daysofblackcosplay #blackjoy #BreakingNormal #plussize #takeupspace #embraceyourcurves #cosplay #tbinaa #plussizecosplayer #marvelcomics #bbwcosplayer #emmafrostcosplay #blackcanary
That time I thought it would be fun to cosplay the whole Scooby Gang...
#28DaysOfBlackCosplay #BlackJoy #BreakingNormal #PlusSize #TakeUpSpace #EmbraceYourCurves #Velma #Daphne #Fred #Shaggy #ScoobyGang #ScoobyDoo #Cosplay
#28daysofblackcosplay #blackjoy #BreakingNormal #plussize #takeupspace #embraceyourcurves #velma #daphne #fred #shaggy #scoobygang #scoobydoo #cosplay
“Shut up, please. I can beat you up, OK? And I’m serious,” Best Actress in a Leading Role winner #MichelleYeoh said as recorded music pierced the air in an attempt to nudge her from the #GoldenGlobes stage. Boss move.
#asianamerican #hollywood #racism #antiracism #everythingeverywhereallatonce #representation #smashstereotypes #asianvoicesmatter#asianlivesmatter #korean #film #speakup #keepspeaking #yoursilencewillnotprotectyou #audrelorde #takeupspace
#michelleyeoh #goldenglobes #asianamerican #hollywood #racism #antiracism #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce #representation #smashstereotypes #asianvoicesmatter #korean #film #speakup #keepspeaking #yoursilencewillnotprotectyou #audrelorde #takeupspace