Amazingly, noone on that we've seen has posted a graph tracking how much money has printed for to pump up markets.

Its out there — we just can't post images.

The Central Bank Digital Slavery project continues along quite nicely.

The between people based on covid response, seem to serve as a distraction to what is actually going on.

Its not going to end well… maybe that's the point.

#socialnetworks #thefed #assetPurchases #divisions #post2016 #repoCrisis #repossessed #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 3 years ago

IT'S HUMANITY: For a long time we've been struggling with how best to define the act of using a megacorp like and .

We've used:
- like ,
- helping and
- 'caging'
- helping to radicalise with

But all these analogies arrive at a simple truth — they are , and in-so-doing are also .

#cheating #cageFam #cloudflare #amazon #cyberattack #CentralPointOfManInTheMiddleAttackAsAService #extortion #takingTheWorldPrivate #extremistProducer #cheatingHumanity #sellingOutHumanity #cheaters #itsCheating

Last updated 3 years ago

Is there a graph showing how many assets are on the 's balance sheet over the past 10-20 years?

During , the scale of the is reportedly huge — but a solid graph that actually shows this would be helpful.

Thanks in advance to anyone who finds it.

#USFederalReserve #covid #theft #moneyPrinterGoDrr #moneyPump #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 3 years ago

Is there a graph showing how many assets are on the 's balance sheet over the past 10-20 years?

During , the scale of the is reportedly huge — a concrete graph would be good.

#USFederalReserve #covid #theft #moneyPrinterGoDrr #moneyPump #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 3 years ago

THERE ARE TWO ways to make the tokens more popular.

1) Have use them, this helps them gain . Expect this from memecoiner. Failng that,
2) Make jokes about them to give them . Notoriety also the .

GUESS WHICH METHOD they are using?

#etheriumScam #celebrities #legitimacy #notoriety #elevates #scamToken #landTitle #takingTheWorldPrivate #MoneyLaunderingGoBrr #deathcult #darkpatterns #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

The expert presents three different websites?


"But the first two are — the third doesn't work."

We said you get to choose a , not a .

#cloudflare #website #master #takingTheWorldPrivate #digitalfeudalism #neofeudalism

Last updated 3 years ago

Yes, as we thought it was indeed hackaday that provided some coverage of this very, very under-reported event.

Its not what it does per se that is the issue. Its, as you mention, those three points you mentioned, the experimental aspects combined with how are now branching out into and have bought entire town and parts of cities, like has done etc.

See hashtag (#) Echo.

#bigtech #bigRealEstate #google #corporatecapture #takingTheWorldPrivate #deplatforming #amazon #censorship

Last updated 3 years ago

If you combine with #1984 that is where we are at, the end result is looking TheMatrix-like.

In they are building the AI Farms, we mean , we mean .

They just claim they are building spacious luxury . As a population we are too scared to do anything to stand in their way.

#thematrix #australia #highrise #concentrationcamps #hotelQuarantine #apartments #BigConstruction #construction #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 3 years ago

Having been , and more on for talking about , overreach and we've known that Fb were deeply embedded with the .

What really worries us is many still think is good for them. Since Feb this year it can literally bribe our .

Wake up, !

You are being with trivialities while and buy up everything.

#censored #limited #facebook #injustice #assange #corporateState #Australians #fakebook #establishmentMedia #Fakebookers #divided #bankers #privateequity #corporatemedia #takingTheWorldPrivate #socialcredit

Last updated 3 years ago

The best part will be when the internet goes down but miraculously people will be able to access it via propietary BigTech products. So everyone instantly goes out to buy them and they connect to memecoiners satellites and its all great until they start deplatforming users from the internet.

#butItsPrivateCompanies #theyCanDoWhatTheyLike #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 3 years ago

Its about , neofeudalism will come from economic rents. We'll never see the owners but they are already watching people who use proprietary garbage like , , , etc.

But wait for the they're testing them out on hunting here in . A quick dataset swap and they'll deal with us on the mainland soon enough.

#takingTheWorldPrivate #amazonring #GoogleHangout #zoom #autonomousDrones #feralCats #australia

Last updated 4 years ago


(2/3)… digitized content. During the past year they've been able to record the best resources, determined which strategies work for which neurological types etc, now they can pull the plug on . Taking it *fully* private.

We've desperately called for people to use resources like /#onionsites. During the past year, to no avail.

Things can get *really* bad, forget the .

#teaching #TheInternet #newInternet #eepsites #uyghurs #takingTheWorldPrivate #autonomousDrones #cloudflare

Last updated 4 years ago


We'd sign that , but is Cloudflare.

Taking into account what we've seen, is among the worst and most predatory in every space they touch.

Maybe he'll be so "touched by space" that he'll stay there.

#petition #changedotorg #amazon #fauxlanthropy #antitrust #monopoly #takingTheWorldPrivate

Last updated 4 years ago

Reminds us of products for .

Blockstream is basically Microsoft, reconstituted.

It will likely regurgitate users into using Microsoft's proprietary powered by (patent no #060606).

#blockstream #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #humanEnergy #corporatecapture #takingTheWorldPrivate #moneyPrinterGoBrr

Last updated 5 years ago