Willesden Herald Story of the Month for April 2023 is "Dr Takotsubo, and My Heart by Mike Fox.
"The heart, I now realise, can hide itself from scrutiny. Eventually, though, like a child who feels neglected, it will find ways to demand your attention."
In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, according to Tennyson. Well, it's April, and I'm not young, so I think I will just turn lightly to this love story.
#shortstory #fiction #takotsubo
Sabiam que hoje, para além do Dia dos Namorados 💝🏹 também se comemora o Dia do Doente Coronário💚🩺? Sabiam que existe a Síndrome do Coração Partido 💔cujo nome técnico é miocardiopatia Takotsubo? 🧵 #diadosnamorados #diadodoentecoronário #coraçãopartido #sãovalentim #takotsubo
#diadosnamorados #diadodoentecoronario #coracaopartido #SaoValentim #takotsubo
Making overnight cinnamon rolls and playing #Music to bring in the new year. Reaching back to some of my favorite records from the last few years.
First up was the #TakoTsubo lp from L'Imperatrice (2020). Now a playlist I made in the thick of the first wave of COVID, mostly 2020 tracks with some goodies tossed in for good measure. COVID's not over but it's interesting to pull out artifacts from those earliest months for reflection.
Tracklist threaded.
Desde hace unos meses,bastantes, cada cierto tiempo me pongo este directo de L'Impératrice , pk me encanta y me relaja soberanamente.
L'Impératrice - Passengers (live)
#musica #musique #limperatrice #passengers #live #takotsubo
Justo en el kokoro 💔😞 Si alguna vez has sentido que tienes el corazón roto, puede que esta sensación sea más real de lo que crees 🐙
#ilustracion #corazonroto #takotsubo
#ilustracion #corazonroto #takotsubo