First Oathday: Hanging Day at Pharasma’s Pulpit (#Cassomir, #Taldor)
Every month citizens, thieves, and thugs, flock to witness the condemned as they’re executed for the amusement of the public on this busy, festival-like day.
Elsekulp, Lingian Prefecture, Taldor
#Elsekulp #LingianPrefecture #Taldor #PorthmosRiver
#elsekulp #lingianprefecture #taldor #porthmosriver
Wispil, Verduran Forest, Taldor
#Wispil #VerduranForest #Taldor #Cassomir #TaldaneImperialNavy #WildwoodLodge #VerduranFork #SellenRiver
#wispil #verduranforest #taldor #cassomir #taldaneimperialnavy #wildwoodlodge #verduranfork #sellenriver
21 Arodus 4279 AR: Birth of Grand Prince Gennaris III (#Taldor)
High Strategos Gennaris led his troops to victory after victory, pushing Qadiran forces farther south and reclaiming Taldan lands from the invaders.
#4279AR #Gennaris…
4713 AR: Summer Blizzard (#Heldren, #Taldor)*
In the height of summer, snow fell near the Border Wood near Qadira following a cold snap. The snow remained on the ground for many days. #4713AR
First Oathday: Hanging Day at Pharasma’s Pulpit (#Cassomir, #Taldor)
Every month citizens, thieves, and thugs, flock to witness the condemned as they’re executed for the amusement of the public on this busy, festival-like day.
3247 AR: Empire partitioned by decree (#Taldor)*
The Lands Partition Decree divided Taldor into 62 prefectures. Today only 12 prefectures and 2 provinces remain for all practical purposes. The others are small & politically inconsequential. …
First Oathday: Hanging Day at Pharasma’s Pulpit (#Cassomir, #Taldor)
Every month citizens, thieves, and thugs, flock to witness the condemned as they’re executed for the amusement of the public on this busy, festival-like day.'s_Pulpit
3129 AR: Assassination of Grand Prince #Jalrune (#Taldor)*
His assassination inspired his successor to found the Ulfen Guard as the Grand Prince's personal bodyguards. #UlfenGuard #3129AR
#jalrune #taldor #ulfenguard #3129ar
37 AR: Goroth Lodge defeated by Taldor's First Army of Exploration (#Taldor)*
#GorothLodge was an ancient order of druids who lived in the Verduran Forest around the beginning of the Age of Enthronement.
#37AR #VerduranForest
#taldor #gorothlodge #37ar #verduranforest
Summer Solstice: The Moot of Ages (Isle of #Arenway, #Taldor; Green Faith)
An annual meeting hosted by the druids of the #Wildwood Lodge to present their findings to the assembled Green Faith community.
#MootofAges #GreenFaith
#arenway #taldor #wildwood #mootofages #greenfaith
Moost, Tandak Prefecture, Taldor
#Moost #TandakPrefecture #Taldor #CrabbeEstate #ParthenaCrabbe #SepsiniaCrabbe
#moost #tandakprefecture #taldor #crabbeestate #parthenacrabbe #sepsiniacrabbe
First Oathday: Hanging Day at Pharasma’s Pulpit (#Cassomir, #Taldor)
Every month citizens, thieves, and thugs, flock to witness the condemned as they’re executed for the amusement of the public on this busy, festival-like day.'s_Pulpit
1520 AR: Corentyn founded (#Cheliax)*
Established by the #Taldor's Third Army of Exploration commanded by General #Coren, the city began as a secure army fortification and has never lost this feeling of a fortified outpost.
#ArmyofExploration #1520AR
#cheliax #taldor #coren #armyofexploration #1520ar
Old Sehir, Opparos, Taldor
#OldSehir #Opparos #Taldor
First Oathday: Hanging Day at Pharasma’s Pulpit (#Cassomir, #Taldor)
Every month citizens, thieves, and thugs, flock to witness the condemned as they’re executed for the amusement of the public on this busy, festival-like day.'s_Pulpit
3578 AR: #Kitharodian Academy founded (#Oppara, #Taldor)*
Grand Prince #Daronlyr XII founded one of the largest bardic colleges on Golarion. #3578AR
#kitharodian #oppara #taldor #daronlyr #3578ar
28 Gozran 4077 AR: Coronation of Grand Prince Beldam I (#Taldor)
During his reign, he stabilized Taldor even as its colonies rebelled, and without his oversight, the Even-Tongued Rebellion would have continued until Taldor was torn apart #4077AR #BeldamI