Begrüßungs-Toot 🙂
Nach einer 10-monatigen Mastodon-Eingewöhnung bin ich heute in mein neues digitales #digitalcourage - Zuhause umgezogen. Ich fühle mich hier inhaltlich etwas besser aufgehoben und freue mich auf viele interessante Beiträge.
Den sozialen #datenkraken - Netzwerken und Apps des Meta-Konzerns habe ich bereits vor vielen Jahren den Rücken gekehrt und versuche kontinuierlich mein Bewusstsein für digitale #selbstbestimmung weiter zu schärfen.
Interessiert an IT- #sicherheit #datenschutz #opensource - Projekten als auch #finanzpsychologie und dem #universum .
Seit einer gefühlten Ewigkeit mit #macOS und #iOS unterwegs. Zukünftig möchte ich den Umgang auch mit #linux und alternativen Android-Systemen lernen.
Wünsche allen ein wunderbares Wochenende.
#neuhier #privacy #dsgvo #notracking #itsecurity #verbraucherschutz #nobullshit #vielfalt #gdpr #weltraum #behaviouralfinance #taleb
#taleb #behaviouralfinance #weltraum #gdpr #vielfalt #nobullshit #verbraucherschutz #itsecurity #notracking #dsgvo #privacy #neuhier #linux #ios #macos #universum #finanzpsychologie #opensource #datenschutz #sicherheit #selbstbestimmung #datenkraken #digitalcourage
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the author of “The Black Swan”, has exposed the limitations of ChatGPT. ChatGPT fails to understand the ironies and nuances of history and produces nonsensical and contradictory responses. Taleb also criticizes ChatGPT as a mere parrot of human texts, and not a source of original insights.
@chowderman I actually don't think that it was apparent and that West intelligence was incompetent by considering that Kyiv will fall. What actually happened, from my perspective, was a triple #BlackSwan (#Taleb ) effect. Orcs had 7 to 1 advantage in firepower. The reasons why they bit the dust were:
1) unbelievable as for a modern world level of corruption in russian military horde/empire ( #freenavalny , btw )
#blackswan #taleb #FreeNavalny
Taleb's concept of "skin in the game" is closely related to his broader ideas about risk, resilience, and anti-fragility. He argues that systems with "skin in the game" are more robust and able to withstand unexpected events, because they have a built-in mechanism for alignment of interests and accountability. #iyi #taleb
#gpt3chat #indexing #taleb #BlackSwan
For example, gpt3 gave me the following conceptual terms for the book "Black Swan" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb:
1,Conceptual,Risk management
2,Conceptual,Extreme events
4,Conceptual,Wall Street
5,Conceptual,Financial crisis
#gpt3chat #indexing #taleb #blackswan
Very hard to distill down to 7, but here some books I like.
#TheBlackSwan - #Taleb
#TheSunAlsoRises - #Hemingway
#UndauntedCourage - Ambrose
#EmbracingDefeat - Dower
#Neuromancer - Gibson
#1Q84 - #Murakami
#TheFaceofBattle - Keegan
#theblackswan #taleb #thesunalsorises #hemingway #undauntedcourage #embracingdefeat #neuromancer #1q84 #Murakami #thefaceofbattle #7books
"We expect places and products to be less attractive than in marketing brochures, but we never forgive humans for being worse than their first impressions."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"Anyone voicing a forecast or expressing an opinion without something at risk has some element of phoniness. Unless he risks going down with the ship this would be like watching an adventure movie."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"You are rich if and only if money you refuse tastes better than money you accept."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"Modernity: we created youth without heroism, age without wisdom, and life without grandeur."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb #Modernity
#modernity #quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"Someone who says “I am busy” is either declaring incompetence (and lack of control of his life) or trying to get rid of you."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"A verbal threat is the most authentic certificate of impotence."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"The weak shows his strength and hides his weaknesses; the magnificent exhibits his weaknesses like ornaments."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"True humility is when you can surprise yourself more than others; the rest is either shyness or good marketing."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"The ancients knew very well that the only way to understand events was to cause them."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"Don’t complain too loud about wrongs done you; you may give ideas to your less imaginative enemies."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote @nntaleb
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"Modernity: we created youth without heroism, age without wisdom, and life without grandeur."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"The fastest way to become rich is to socialize with the poor; the fastest way to become poor is to socialize with the rich."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"Someone who says “I am busy” is either declaring incompetence (and lack of control of his life) or trying to get rid of you."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes
"What fools call “wasting time” is most often the best investment."
#BedofProcrustes #Philosophy #Practical #Aphorisms #Taleb #Quote
#quote #taleb #aphorisms #practical #philosophy #BedOfProcrustes