Ich zeig dir meine Welt (1/5): Alice | rbb
#Berlin #Armut #Talentscout #IBA #IchBinArmutsBetroffen
#neukolln #berlin #armut #talentscout #IBA #IchBinArmutsbetroffen
Please cross-reference a earlier Italian style #polymath take issue with a #poser #serialSpeculator who people call #polymath #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialOpressor I'm just in the way of #SpaceX was in #OscodaMi with a new #launch facility. They see #growth #theOnly #millage they #vote for are for #educstion. So they can #getout.#elon #musk #twitter #twittermigration
#Polymath #poser #serialspeculator #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialopressor #SpaceX #oscodami #launch #growth #theonly #millage #vote #educstion #getout #elon #musk #Twitter #twittermigration #hardcore #punk #anarchy
Please cross-reference a earlier Italian style #polymath take issue with a #poser #serialSpeculator who people call #polymath #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialOpressor I'm just in the way of #SpaceX was in #OscodaMi with a new #launch facility. They see #growth #theOnly #millage they #vote for are for #education. So they can #getout.#elon #musk #twitter #twittermigration
#Polymath #poser #serialspeculator #authoriatrian #talentscout #colonialopressor #SpaceX #oscodami #launch #growth #theonly #millage #vote #getout #hardcore #punk #anarchy #education #elon #musk #Twitter #twittermigration