Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box annunciato per PC e console, esce il 1 settembre
#2KGames #Borderlands #Borderlands2 #Borderlands3 #BorderlandsCollectionPandorasBox #BorderlandsThePreSequel #GearboxSoftware #NewTalesFromTheBorderlands #TalesFromTheBorderlands
#2kgames #borderlands #borderlands2 #borderlands3 #borderlandscollectionpandorasbox #borderlandsthepresequel #gearboxsoftware #newtalesfromtheborderlands #talesfromtheborderlands
Telltale Games was doing a 10/10 job story wise and regarding the soundtrack. Also a lot of jokes were better than they are in the "main games", nowadays, ngl.
Gotta replay that gem, some time.
#gaming #talesfromtheborderlands #borderlands #soundtrack
#soundtrack #borderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #gaming
Not saying #FL4K is secretly #LoaderBot from #TalesFromTheBorderlands, but...
🎲 #Gaming
:gamepad: #VideoGames
#videogames #gaming #talesfromtheborderlands #loaderbot #fl4k
@Onidotmoe which Borderlands game? So far it's probably #Borderlands2. It could have been #TalesFromTheBorderlands, but the PC controls for it are poorly designed and can't be customized, so I only managed to finish one playthrough.
#borderlands2 #talesfromtheborderlands
I know that #Hyperion had a #claptrap factory in the #DividingFaults, but where is the actual Hyperion corporation located? Neither the #Borderlands wiki nor Google are being helpful. I'm just curious about where people like #RhysStrongfork worked, and also where they physically resided. I'm sure both those questions are answered while playing #TalesFromTheBorderlands, but it's been a few years since I have so I don't remember.
#hyperion #claptrap #dividingfaults #borderlands #rhysstrongfork #talesfromtheborderlands #borderlandslore #gaming #videogames
@mimi_lynx Was just about to make a post about #Borderlands games. If you've never played it before, I *might* recommend skipping the 1st because it wasn't that good unless you're wearing nostalgia goggles. The Pre-Sequel was ok, but I'll never replay it. #Borderlands2 and #Borderlands3 are excellent FPS games, and the DLC for both is top notch. If you like slower-paced story-focused games, try #TalesFromTheBorderlands. Don't know about the others yet.
Have fun!
#borderlands #borderlands2 #borderlands3 #talesfromtheborderlands
I miss #Gortys. :cryingblob:
#gortys #talesfromtheborderlands #gaming #videogames
Rhys wearing the same borrowed outfit that J.D. had on Scrubs, as borrowed from his BFF, Turk.
#tegaki #MastoArt #Borderfam #tftb #talesfromtheborderlands
Boy the first #TalesFromTheBorderlands was really entertaining but this new one is boring as hell and dragging waaaaaay to long.
I still think about this #game. #TalesFromTheBorderlands was my favourite of the #TellTale run. Also the only one I really like of the whole #Borderlands thing. What a fantastic story that was!
#game #talesfromtheborderlands #telltale #borderlands
"But we're friends! Friends help each other steal stuff. I mean, that's how it works."
i love this game's writing 😂 #talesFromTheBorderlands
Video games that I am a bit obsessed with:
#darksouls #pokemon #digimon #bloodborne #eldenring #witcher3 #littleinferno #xenoblade #darkpicturesanthology #untildawn #finalfantasyiv #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasyviii #silenthill2 #abesoddysee #danganronpa #monsterhunter #borderlands2 #talesfromtheborderlands #thewolfamongus #aceattorney #phoenixwright #vivapinata #soulreaver #legacyofkane #slimerancher #bioshock #discoelysium #oxenfree #nightinthewoods #batim #psychonauts
"I'm so happy I could scream! But I won't. Cause when I do people's ears start to bleed."
Gortys: "How is your day going?"
Loaderbot: "It's a mixed bag."
Gortys: "That's great! Variety is so important."
Drawn in a sketchbook in #sakuramicron pens and a #uniballsigno pen.
#inktober2017 #Borderlands #TalesFromTheBorderlands #TFTBorderlands #Borderfam #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Borderfam #TFTBorderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #borderlands #inktober2017 #uniballsigno #sakuramicron
Janey Springs
Drawn in a sketchbook in #sakuramicron pens and a #uniballsigno pen.
#inktober2017 #TalesFromTheBorderlands #TFTBorderlands #BorderlandsTPS #Borderfam #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Borderfam #borderlandstps #TFTBorderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #inktober2017 #uniballsigno #sakuramicron
Drawn in a sketchbook in #sakuramicron pens, #crayola markers, and #uniballsigno pens.
#inktober2017 #Borderlands #TalesFromTheBorderlands #TFTBorderlands #MixedMedia #Borderfam #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Borderfam #mixedmedia #TFTBorderlands #talesfromtheborderlands #borderlands #inktober2017 #uniballsigno #crayola #sakuramicron
Tales from the Borderlands: Telltale-Adventure wird ohne Telltale fortgesetzt #talesfromtheborderlands #PAXEast #GearboxAtPAX
#talesfromtheborderlands #paxeast #GearboxAtPAX
Tales from the Borderlands: Telltale-Adventure wird ohne Telltale fortgesetzt #talesfromtheborderlands #PAXEast #GearboxAtPAX
#talesfromtheborderlands #paxeast #GearboxAtPAX