🎞 #Unboxing #Juegos #TalesOf #StarOcean #ValkyrieProfile 📦
Cajas misteriosas de Japón XXI.
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/01/juegos-tales-of-fandom-eternia-destiny.html
🎬 Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyjHL9rSgN4
#️⃣Tags: #TalesofEternia #TalesofDestiny #TalesofPhantasia #TalesofFandom #PlayStation #PS1
#unboxing #juegos #talesof #starocean #valkyrieprofile #tags #talesofeternia #talesofdestiny #talesofphantasia #talesoffandom #playstation #ps1
Es ist #RetroMontag, Zeit für #TalesofDestiny, das 1998 in den USA für die #PlayStation erschien. Es ist der zweite Teil der Tales of Serie, eine #JRPG Spieleserie, und einer meiner Favoriten. Es gibt sogar ein Remake von Tales of Destiny auf der #PS2.
Das Spiel bietet eine spannende Story und stimmungsvolle Grafiken. Ist eines meiner liebsten Tales ofs neben #TalesofPhantasia, #TalesofLegendia und #TalesoftheAbyss. Aber jedes Tales of ist eigentlich ein sehr gutes Spiel!
#retromontag #talesofdestiny #playstation #jrpg #ps2 #talesofphantasia #talesoflegendia #talesoftheabyss
You have no idea how happy this makes me. This is the first time ever (Bandai) Namco gave us the original sound versions from this game. The official OST release back in the day was a MIDI release. This is awesome! #Talesof #TalesofDestiny
#TalesofDestiny Shiden or Sheeden or whatever Johnny's last name is meant to be and Aquaveil in general really does feel like the fakest place ever. I knew about the clown statues and the fact that it looks like Japan (even down to the isolation) but with a white king but then you get to the two castles and the stupid monkey sound puzzle and the boats and the caves full of monsters that nobody's patrolling... I'm
#TalesofDestiny I feel like I checked the game a few times to confirm whether or not Fayte's girlfriend killed herself after she was forced to marry Tiberius' son or something along those lines. And it's in the original, not sure if it's retained in the remake. Times like these I wish Destiny had enough of a fandom outside of like Leon so someone can smack me upside the head with facts or confirmation I wasn't just seeing things.
#TalesofDestiny I like how the original Tales of Destiny implied Johnny sucks at singing and his career is flopping because of it but the guy they hired to do his voice is Koichi Yamadera. Small wonder it got retconned in the remake.