🎞 #Unboxing #Juegos #TalesOf #StarOcean #ValkyrieProfile 📦
Cajas misteriosas de Japón XXI.
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/01/juegos-tales-of-fandom-eternia-destiny.html
🎬 Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyjHL9rSgN4
#️⃣Tags: #TalesofEternia #TalesofDestiny #TalesofPhantasia #TalesofFandom #PlayStation #PS1
#unboxing #juegos #talesof #starocean #valkyrieprofile #tags #talesofeternia #talesofdestiny #talesofphantasia #talesoffandom #playstation #ps1
I think the reason #TalesOfEternia is my favourite #TalesOf is that it's the only one that leaves me with a feeling of simply "I wish I could've spent more time with these characters". It's "I wish there were more, just because," which is the opposite of "I wish this [thing] could have been explained or expanded on more, because it feels incomplete/not quite finished".
The fantranslation for all the skits in #TalesOfEternia is finished, courtesy of yaminabe :D They and ongoing translations of other #TalesOf Eternia-related material can be found here: https://yaminabe.neocities.org/
Hey, remember when I said I was doing a retrospective replay (screenshots of what I think is neat & commenting about it) of Tales of Eternia? I have my Tumblr blog for it now, with me two hours into the game!
Just go to the pinned post & go through the link to go through it chronologically!