I'm listening 🎧 to the soundtrack for #TalesofPhantasia (PSX) and it's really good! Shout-out to @rpgbookclub, they are currently playing through the game on their podcast.
So you guys know about the horrid dubbing on the official English GBA version of #TalesofPhantasia? I found a fandub path for the SNES version that you apply on top of Dejap's TL patch and uh, let's just say that you shouldn't expect too much from it.
#talesofphantasia #snes #romhacking #gaming
#TwitchDE | Jetzt gibt es einen "Tales of..."-Teil auf dem #GBA - #TalesOfPhantasia bei #GAMEBOYTime - jetzt auf https://twitch.tv/Derchotv
#TwitchDE #gba #talesofphantasia #gameboytime
#TwitchDE | 06.03.
Montagabend! Zeit für Retro! #GAMEBOYTime heute mit #TalesofPhantasia auf dem #GAMEBOYAdvance. Start um 20 Uhr mit #UPDATE, live auf https://twitch.tv/Derchotv
#TwitchDE #gameboytime #talesofphantasia #gameboyadvance #update
🎞 #Unboxing #Juegos #TalesOf #StarOcean #ValkyrieProfile 📦
Cajas misteriosas de Japón XXI.
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/01/juegos-tales-of-fandom-eternia-destiny.html
🎬 Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyjHL9rSgN4
#️⃣Tags: #TalesofEternia #TalesofDestiny #TalesofPhantasia #TalesofFandom #PlayStation #PS1
#unboxing #juegos #talesof #starocean #valkyrieprofile #tags #talesofeternia #talesofdestiny #talesofphantasia #talesoffandom #playstation #ps1
You get Suzu *right before* the end of the game :/ That sucks. #TalesOfPhantasia
Really I can't get over how incredibly innovative #TalesOfPhantasia was. The first SNES game (I'm pretty sure) to have a fully voiced opening theme! Extensive voice acting on top of that! The cart was fucking *48 megs*! The combat system was a bizarre mashup of fighting games and RPGs and it WORKED! Fucking mindblowing.
I am rolling this game around in my mouth like a fine wine. I am going to recommend cheeses to have with this game. Please forgive the pretension. #TalesOfPhantasia
Jeez, Present Day Dhaos was a much bigger pain in the ass than I remember. A lot of that fight is just stunlock RNG -- is he going to get a lucky three-second stun on you? Is he going to decide to do Dhaos Laser and/or Collider while you're stunned? Maybe! Better hope not! >_> #TalesOfPhantasia
Can't believe I'm only like 10-12 hours into #TalesofPhantasia. This game is enormous.
Fighting for the Spirit is still an all-time great boss theme :D :D #TalesofPhantasia
Man, I don't remember these Spirit fights being as annoying the last time @_@ #TalesOfPhantasia
Time for a new game :3 Thought about going for Vagrant Story, but it's been a long time since I last played #TalesOfPhantasia and I've never played the PSOne remake. Gonna be fun :D
Es ist #RetroMontag, Zeit für #TalesofDestiny, das 1998 in den USA für die #PlayStation erschien. Es ist der zweite Teil der Tales of Serie, eine #JRPG Spieleserie, und einer meiner Favoriten. Es gibt sogar ein Remake von Tales of Destiny auf der #PS2.
Das Spiel bietet eine spannende Story und stimmungsvolle Grafiken. Ist eines meiner liebsten Tales ofs neben #TalesofPhantasia, #TalesofLegendia und #TalesoftheAbyss. Aber jedes Tales of ist eigentlich ein sehr gutes Spiel!
#retromontag #talesofdestiny #playstation #jrpg #ps2 #talesofphantasia #talesoflegendia #talesoftheabyss
Tales of Phantasia was released on the Super Famicom in Japan, 27 years ago today.
(Today I can't stand the DeJap translation: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/470/. The Arche/Tiger scene was rewritten by 16 year olds that just discovered boobs - Matt)
#retrogaming #talesofphantasia