Tales of the Valiant Alpha - A Review
I did a full mechanical deep-dive into the Tales of the Valiant Alpha, and discussed what changed, what's better, and what has room for further improvement.
#talesofthevaliant #bevaliant #blackflag
I'm thrilled to see third-party material already in the pipeline for #TalesOfTheValiant from #KoboldPress! I was actually considering the #DnD 5E version of this book, but I'm glad I held off on the purchase. Now we just need updated versions for Tome of Beasts I-III, which I would cheerfully back as well! #RPG
#talesofthevaliant #koboldpress #dnd #rpg
We stopped by the @KoboldPress booth and got to talk to one of our friends there. Walked away with some wonderful stories and a physical copy of the #TalesOfTheValiant alpha.
Of course there are #Shadowdark and #TalesOfTheValiant out or coming out soon. But with #Hasbro’s #WotC’s latest scandal, I think people might be interested in adjacent systems or different systems altogether. Here are a few:
#WithoutNumber #SWN #WWN #CWN (B/X-Traveller mash-up) and my personal choice #OSR
#TDE #TheDarkEye for the last 40 years #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA (English, TDE) has been the most popular #TTRPG in the German speaking world.
#CS #CypherSystem multi-genre contemporary system
#wotc #shadowdark #talesofthevaliant #hasbro #withoutnumber #swn #wwn #cwn #osr #tde #TheDarkEye #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #ttrpg #cs #cyphersystem
We’re sitting down to play #TalesOfTheValiant at #GenCon. Our group decided to play “oops a wizards”, and our GM is being very supportive
Stuff I like, and like to talk about:
#DnD #5e, including #TalesOfTheValiant #ToV
#Pathfinder2e #PF2e
#BladesInTheDark #ForgedInTheDark #BitD #FitD
#ShadowOfTheDemonLord #SotDL
#ResistanceSystem #SparkedByTheResistance
#Horror games
#InstructionalDesign #ISD
#LearningGames and #TeachingGames
#Maps and #Art
#DnD #5e #talesofthevaliant #tov #pathfinder2e #pf2e #fate #bladesinthedark #forgedinthedark #bitd #fitd #ShadowoftheDemonLord #SotDL #resistancesystem #sparkedbytheresistance #slayers #heart #mage #UnknownArmies #yearzeroengine #horror #urbanfantasy #gamedesign #worldbuilding #monsters #GMAdvice #gamemastering #genre #instructionaldesign #isd #learninggames #teachinggames #maps #art #diy #trophyrpg
Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) - A Review
#DnD #DnD5e #TTRPG #3pp #KoboldPress #TomeofBeasts #TalesofTheValiant
#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #3pp #KoboldPress #tomeofbeasts #talesofthevaliant
In this episode we discuss the Tales of the Valiant Alpha release, some big news for one of us and discuss other tabletop rpg news as well as answer some awesome questions.
To submit a question please send an email to questions@2legit2crit.uk or fill out our online form at https://form.jotform.com/231674341164352
#ttrpg #podcast #talesofthevaliant https://podcastle.ai/editor/interview/eLzV1ef2
#ttrpg #podcast #talesofthevaliant
Enjoying a quick flick through @koboldpress #TalesOfTheValiant alpha release.. a very early thought.. PLEASE change from the old 5e exhuastion mechanics. They are so bad, like sooo bad. They offer nothing for the GM to use at scale or in design. imo -1 on d20 rolls for each level works just fine.
Today on the blog I'm looking at the Lineage and Heritage options from #KoboldPress #TalesOfTheValiant preview packet, as well as their most recent public playtest packet, Kobolds and Smallfolk.
#KoboldPress #talesofthevaliant #dnd5e
Wolfgang Baur von #KoboldPress teilt mit, dass #TalesOfTheValiant in mehrere europäische Sprachen übersetzt wird und Gwynn Wettach, ehemals #UlissesSpiele, deutet an, dass eine dieser Sprachen ganz vielleicht Deutsch sein könnte
🎬 Baur: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx9THxDDbz-aW44--UtBAAguG1dup_KB52
:mastodon: Wettach: https://mastodon.pnpde.social/@projektmyra@rollenspiel.social/110616662532980432
Gut, wenn man den Kickstarter ausgelassen hat #pnpde 😬
Tales of the Valiant, der #DnD 5e Clon von #KoboldPress, wurde kürzlich per Kickstarter finanziert und nahm mehr als 1 Mio Dollar ein
#talesofthevaliant #ulissesspiele #pnpde #dnd #koboldpress
It is now six months after the OGL fiasco Hasbro pulled on the RPG community, and we are probably 6–12 months away from OneD&D.
Many companies have chosen to produce new, non-OGL versions of their games, and those that wanted to stick with D&D 5E began working on their own version.
In this blog, I discuss my contradictory feelings on these changes and the fatigue that has set in.
#CastlesAndCrusades #DnD #ttrpg #rpg #TalesofTheValiant
#castlesandcrusades #DnD #ttrpg #rpg #talesofthevaliant
It is now six months after the OGL fiasco Hasbro pulled on the RPG community, and we are probably 6-12 months away from OneD&D.
Many companies have chosen to produce new, non-OGL versions of their games, and those that wanted to stick with D&D 5E began working on their own version.
In this blog, I discuss my contradictory feelings on these changes and the fatigue that has set in.
#CastlesAndCrusades #DnD #TalesoftheValiant #rpg #ttrpg
#castlesandcrusades #DnD #talesofthevaliant #rpg #ttrpg
The Kickstarter itself is pretty good. TotV is a revised version of D&D 5e independent from WotC. I like what I am seeing so far.
#DnD #notdnd #talesofthevaliant #KoboldPress #ttrpg
One great byproduct of the Tales of the Valiant Kickstarter by Kobold Press is this really cool D&D 5E character sheet. I love the layout, especially for the saving throw bonuses and armor. This might be my goto character sheet for D&D 5e.
#DnD #notdnd #talesofthevaliant #KoboldPress #ttrpg
20 Curious Closets hit another stretch goal!
Now every backer at the $4 or higher level also gets 20 Curious Closets!
And if that wasn't enough, here an image of wall of bees!
#DnD #pathfinder #talesofthevaliant #kickstarter
I officially backed the Tales of the Valiant kickstarter today. Took me a little while to decide what level I wanted to back at (I went with both books in hardcover), but the preview materials are just great. I love what I’ve seen of the changes they’re making.
We have another spell preview up for 20 Wondrous Walls. This time it's Walsera's Instant Barricade. This fun little 1st level spell grants the caster useful battlefield control.
Also, we're about two days from wrapping up the campaign and less than $100 from hitting our next stretch goal for 20 Curious Closets.
#dnd #Pathfinder #TalesoftheValiant
#DnD #pathfinder #talesofthevaliant
Trying to decide on my pledge level for the Tales of the Valiant kickstarter from Kobold Press. I think it may be worth splurging on both hardcovers…
#talesofthevaliant #ttrpg #koboldpress #kickstarter
#RPG News Digest for May 26, 2023 - Lots of big #DnD news with new book announcements and a price hike coming for books, Paizo and Demiplane launch open beta for #Pathfinder NEXUS, Kobold Press's Kickstarter for #TalesOfTheValiant is live, and a lot more #TTRPG news! https://www.enworld.org/threads/news-digest-for-may-26-2023.697941/
#rpg #DnD #pathfinder #talesofthevaliant #ttrpg