A totally clueless and unobservant #Talibangelical at a #FoxNews Town Hall in #Iowa asked Donald ‘#TwoCorinthians ‘ Trump “How has your faith grown since you decided in 2015 to run for president?”
He responded “I’ve made America great. We can do it again!”, plus more word salad gibberish. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-iowa-faith-town-hall_n_64bb8d40e4b08cd259dc7046
And then everyone enjoyed a fresh glass of Kool-Aid? 😂
#talibangelical #foxnews #iowa #twocorinthians
@CRSG Do you mean #Talibangelical voters? Because actual Christian evangelicals are repulsed by #DonaldTheDeplorable.
#talibangelical #donaldthedeplorable
Calling for a general BOYCOTT of @GOP, #MAGA, #KKK, #Qanon, #Christofascist, #ChristianNationalist, #Talibangelical - & ANYTHING TRUMP-BRANDED
#maga #kkk #qanon #christofascist #christiannationalist #talibangelical
#RichardDawkins engages a #Talibangelical who has a face that illicits a similar reaction that a Nazi’s face does: 🤜 👨 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRoMVFP9/
#richarddawkins #talibangelical
@bleakfuture ⬆️
Last year #CPAC featured #ViktorOrban , a fascist dictator from Europe.
#CPAC2013 featured a #Talibangelical from the #ChristoFascist #MAGAt.
At least they’re not being distracted by #MattSchlapp ‘s homosexual assault on a staffer, and are remaining #OnBrand !
#cpac #viktororban #cpac2013 #talibangelical #christofascist #magat #mattschlapp #onbrand
Ron DeFascist is quickly accelerating #Florida 's decent into a #fascist state.
#florida #fascist #rondefascist #rondesanctimonius #rondesantis #fascism #stopfascism #americantaliban #talibangelical #dei
#Kreetick is actually a #Talibangelical #gamer .
#kreetick #talibangelical #gamer
This is no fight the #talibangelical #misogynists can win. Shoot, I’ll wrap two dozen abortion pills in a condom, shove them up my ass, and smuggle them into Texas. Who’s with me?
#prochoice #ImWithHer
#talibangelical #misogynists #prochoice #imwithher