wolf of the wisp · @wolfofthewisp
32 followers · 761 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

Perfect is my chair in Caer Sidi:
Plague and age hurt not him who's in it.
They know, Manawyddan and Pryderi.
Three organs round a fire sing before it,
And about its points are ocean's streams
And the abundant well above it.
Sweeter than white wine the drink in it.

- Taliesin : Song concerning the Sons of Llyr ab Brochel Powys maryjones.us/ctexts/t14.html

#mythologymonday #annwn #caersidi #taliesin

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Rathe · @richardrathe
99 followers · 1472 posts · Server home.social
1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

`In myths eating often leads to pregnancy, and so it was with , who gave birth to and set him adrift on the sea. A nobleman, , found the baby floating near shore and took him home, raising him tenderly as his own child, calling him , “radiant brow.” Taliesin grew to be the most eloquent poet in the land, one who could see through the veil to the . Like the Irish poets Amairgin and Tuan Mac Cairill, Taliesin spoke of many incarnations, both human and animal.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @NeuKelte
: Bach had transformed himself successively into a hare, a fish and a bird. pursued him as a black hou…

#celtic #Ceridwen #Gwion #elphin #taliesin #otherworld #mythology #folklore #FairyTaleTuesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Nighttime on Still Waters · @nosw
97 followers · 83 posts · Server mastodon.world

The words of ring loud across the centuries giving us an opportunity to see through 'the other's' eyes and encouraging us to find our own voices.

Episode 118: When blackbirds learn to sing

#bardic #taliesin #poetry #nature #podcast #bard #amergin

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

From the fish form Bach changed into a bird and pursued him as a sparrowhawk. Now the boy dropped as a wheat grain on a pile of wheat but Ceridwen took the form of a black hen and pecked up the grain of wheat that Gwion had turned into. After 9 months Gwion was reborn. The sorceress did not have the heart to kill her unwanted child and abandoned the little boy in a . He survived and became the famous poet .
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @NeuKelte
: , the 'Beloved Beautiful', was skilled in magic and divination. For year and day she cooked herbs to make her u…

#Gwion #Ceridwen #Coracle #taliesin #celtic #mythology #folklore #FairyTaleTuesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Architecture News · @architecture
178 followers · 1722 posts · Server masto.ai
1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

RT @JoyParry13

Siblings (1 of the 3 most beautiful maids in Britain), (so ugly nobody would wound him in battle in case he was the devil) & the great bard were the varied offspring of sorceress Ceridwen & giant Tegid Foel.

#FairyTaleTuesday #crearwy #Morfran #taliesin #mabinogion

Last updated 2 years ago

mattmaison · @mattmaison
367 followers · 1693 posts · Server mastodon.world

"Kyle Dockery, Collections Coordinator, recalls his November trip to Arizona to assist in the installation of Chihuly in the Desert. Normally based at Taliesin in Wisconsin, the visit was an opportunity for Kyle to return to Taliesin West for the first time since 2018."


#midcenturymodern #FrankLloydWright #flw #taliesin #chihuly

Last updated 2 years ago

Wendiihouse · @Wendiihouse
127 followers · 504 posts · Server toot.wales
Wendiihouse · @Wendiihouse
95 followers · 285 posts · Server toot.wales

the says and

How are you this new day? I am cleaning myself and saying hello to you!

#toot #SUL #DYDD #da #bore #catsofmastodon #cat #taliesin

Last updated 2 years ago

Wendiihouse · @Wendiihouse
53 followers · 90 posts · Server toot.wales
Wendiihouse · @Wendiihouse
37 followers · 73 posts · Server toot.wales
Wendiihouse · @Wendiihouse
37 followers · 73 posts · Server toot.wales

Tonight I am the

#taliesin #cat #boss

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

` is considered the author of the earliest surviving works in the language. His symbol is the harp; like many gods to whom the elements of fire and water are closest, he represents the artistic vein of man, including especially poetic and musical talent.`
is believed to have held the position of bard in at least three Britannic royal courts in the 6th century.
Source: Murray Hope `Magie und Mythologie der `

#taliesin #welsh #Kelten

Last updated 3 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: , the 'Beloved Beautiful', was skilled in magic and divination. For year and day she cooked herbs in order to make her ugly son more acceptable by becoming a fortune teller through three drops of it.
However, had pushed Morfran aside and was hit by the 3 drops of the potion. He turned into a hare, but the sorceress pursued him in the form of a black hunting dog.
But now changed into a fish whereupon the sorceress slipped into the shape of an otter. But from the fish form the boy changed into a bird.
pursued him as a sparrowhawk. Now the boy dropped as a wheat grain on a pile of wheat.
Finally took the form of a black hen and pecked up the grain of wheat that had turned into. After 9 months was reborn. The sorceress did not have the heart to kill her unwanted child and abandoned the little boy in a . He survived and became the famous poet .

#celtic #fairytale #Ceridwen #Morfran #Gwion #Coracle #taliesin

Last updated 3 years ago

La Marche de Taliesìn - Morgan of Glencoe


Une très belle histoire chantée en musique, sur le son de la harpe, pleine de poésie et d'images, elle nous ramène à l'essentiel, et suscite un mélange entre réconciliation de soi, inspiration, sagesse, audace et confiance dans la vie, que sais-je d'autre ?

À chaque fois que je l'écoute, elle me touche droit au cœur.

#sagesse #itinérance #vie #cheminement #légendes #taliesin #celtique #marche #tootradio #pouetradio

Last updated 7 years ago