A lot of my clients having been showing up with overwhelm recently, so I wrote this blog to support.
What would you add?
#overwhelm #stressmanagement #emotionalregulation #talkaboutit #coaching
#overwhelm #stressmanagement #emotionalregulation #talkaboutit #coaching
What can be done?
#kitteh #puppy #kitsmum #tuesdaymotivations #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #ninjacats #isolating #phonecall #health #grief #facts #TuesdayMotivaton #tellher #talkaboutit #loss #tuesdayMorning #strategize #vibecheck
#kitteh #puppy #kitsmum #tuesdaymotivations #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #ninjacats #isolating #phonecall #Health #grief #facts #tuesdaymotivaton #tellher #talkaboutit #loss #tuesdaymorning #strategize #vibecheck
Talk about it. It matters
#kitteh #puppy #KitsMum #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #talk #share #grief #loss #TuesdayFeeling #talkaboutit #ninjacats #isolating #secret #phonecall #tuesdaymotivations #vibecheck
#kitteh #puppy #kitsmum #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #talk #share #grief #loss #tuesdayfeeling #talkaboutit #ninjacats #isolating #secret #phonecall #tuesdaymotivations #vibecheck
We've all had that call
#Kitteh #KitsMum #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #phonecall #devastating #worry #health #mentalhealth #talkaboutit #ninjacats #terrible #fight #tuesdaymotivations #vibecheck
#kitteh #kitsmum #tuesdayvibe #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #phonecall #devastating #worry #Health #mentalhealth #talkaboutit #ninjacats #terrible #fight #tuesdaymotivations #vibecheck
Like humans, animals grieve, mourn and sometimes have difficulty letting go.
Sea Otters
Sea lions
Some also bury their dead. Like penguins.
And dolphins.
Grieving is universal. Let’s #talkaboutit https://www.instagram.com/reel/CotLm51gbld/?igshid=OTRmMjhlYjM=
love workin you up. think less literally, life lives metaphorically #infinite
to the naïve, I'm nonsensical. Modern days' tragedy--literal line readers. Plato built a military academy. Militarist or milliterrorist? It takes one black swan in a pond of a white supremacist, one thick spick to pick up sticks on the white house's lawn, one ol' lay ofay in a CCAP play, one quick whisk of a fairy's wrist as men wave wands at comic-con or else in the closet of a Jesuit #talkaboutit
Mar 10, 2015 3:04pm
And way down we go 🌊
#Columbus #LoupRiverCanal #Steps #KALEO #WayDownWeGo #Sunday #GoodMorning #Nebraska #BurnOut #Depression #TalkAboutIt #SpeakOut #HydroElectric #PowerPlant #Electric
#Columbus #louprivercanal #steps #kaleo #waydownwego #sunday #goodmorning #Nebraska #burnout #depression #talkaboutit #speakout #hydroelectric #powerplant #electric
Bad brain day today.
- Hungry, a plate of food sitting in front of me. I don't feel like I have the energy to eat it.
- Brain fog. I can't concentrate on anything. I'm already tired this far into the toot.
- Need to clean the house but can't drum up motivation for it.
- Need to shower, but the thought is exhausting.
- Want to go to bed and sleep?
- Also restless but tired about it too.
- What is even brains?
#mentalhealth #talkaboutit #beingopen