Sapphie the pomsky reacts to mommy skipping gym day
##smartdog ##smartdogs #daddy #dailymotivation #dog #dogdad #dogmom #dogparents #dogs #funnydog #funnydogs #gym #gymday #gymislife #gymlife #husky #Inu #minihusky #mommy #motivation #motivationlife #personaltrainer #pomeranian #pomsky #queenofzoomies #sapphie #sapphie_the_pomsky #sapphiethepomsky #sassysapphie #talkingdog #trainer #tryharder #Viral #アラスカン・マラミュート
#アラスカン・マラミュート #viral #tryharder #trainer #talkingdog #sassysapphie #sapphiethepomsky #sapphie_the_pomsky #sapphie #queenofzoomies #pomsky #pomeranian #personaltrainer #motivationlife #motivation #mommy #minihusky #inu #husky #gymlife #gymislife #gymday #gym #funnydogs #funnydog #dogs #dogparents #dogmom #dogdad #dog #dailymotivation #daddy #smartdogs #smartdog
#dog #fluentpet #Inu #schnauzer #talkingdog #しゃべる犬 #しゃべる犬モネ #シュナウザー #ミニチュア・シュナウザー #ミニチュアシュナウザー #會說話的狗 #犬ボタン会話 #雪纳瑞 #말하는개 #슈나우저
#슈나우저 #말하는개 #雪纳瑞 #犬ボタン会話 #會說話的狗 #ミニチュアシュナウザー #ミニチュア・シュナウザー #シュナウザー #しゃべる犬モネ #しゃべる犬 #talkingdog #schnauzer #inu #fluentpet #dog
#Hunger4Words #Haustierbuzzer verbessern die Kommunikation mit deinem Haustier! Die individuell besprechbaren #Pfotenbutton lassen deinen Hund "sprechen". Einfache Worte wie mitkommen, rausgehen oder Futter werden deinem Hund helfen seine Bedürfnisse zur passenden Zeit mitzuteilen. Probier es aus! Das passende Buch dazu findet ihr auch in unserem Shop! #catzndogz #talkingdog #sprechknöpfe
#hunger4words #haustierbuzzer #pfotenbutton #catzndogz #talkingdog #sprechknopfe
MITTAAAACH! #int4belua #hunger4words #talkingdog #petfluent
#int4belua #hunger4words #talkingdog #petfluent
What is she saying? "Talking dog" on YouTube
#dog #dogs #talkingdog
What is she saying? "Talking dog" on YouTube
#dog #dogs #talkingdog
Yesterday she spent a full hour whining loudly in the back seat of our Zipcar while I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Nonstopc, high pitched whining.
As soon as we got home, she pounded on her “PLAY” button a few (dozen) times.
In response, I walked into the bedroom and cried.
My friend said, “Yup, sounds like a true mother-daughter relationship.”
Is anyone else’s dog like this?? 😂
#doberman #dog #talkingdog #fluentpet #dramaqueen