Should Fani Willis consider running for President down the road a bit? This beat down of professional clown/abuse enabler Gym Jordan in an embedded 9-page letter is pretty epic!
#talkingpointsmemo #FaniWillis
#TalkingPointsMemo #TPM is one of the only sites whose headlines consistently satisfy
Pence is an idiot—he should lean hard into criticism of trump. I mean, that guy tried to kill you for doing your job? Shouldn't that arouse some serious indignation (a hallmark of Christian Nationalists).
He could really take TFG to task—along with Christian Conservatives and evangelicals for their embrace of an antichrist-adjacent candidate. What the hell's he waiting for—divine revelation?
#joshmarshall #talkingpointsmemo #growaspine
«Text messages obtained by #TalkingPointsMemo paint a picture of what was going on behind the scenes in the #WhiteHouse during the crucial period the special prosecutor has zeroed in on. In particular, they reveal that #RepublicanNationalCommittee Chairwoman #RonnaMcDaniel and former #Arizona #RepublicanParty Chairwoman #KelliWard were among those who played key roles in elements of the alleged #conspiracy from the moment #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith said it began.»
#talkingpointsmemo #whitehouse #republicannationalcommittee #ronnamcdaniel #arizona #republicanparty #kelliward #conspiracy #specialcounsel #jacksmith
The New Evidence Against Donald Trump In The MAL Case Is BRUTAL
#TalkingPointsMemo #DonaldTrump #MALCase #NewEvidence #Brutal #News #Politics #News
#talkingpointsmemo #donaldtrump #malcase #NewEvidence #brutal #news #politics
This is an amazing editorial by Josh Marshall from Talking Points Memo...
#talkingpointsmemo #joshmarshall
I just donated to Talking Points Memo's Journalism Fund, & recommend it to anyone who can do the same. TPM's been my lefty news staple since the mid-naughties when they broke the GOP's nascent strategy pivot from "Let's court voters?" to "Nah let's seed bogus 'Voter Fraud' claims!" They're the Good Guys. #talkingpointsmemo
Rudy Giuliani Used A Female Alias In Emails About Plan To Overturn The Election
#TalkingPointsMemo #RudyGiulianiEmails #ElectionOverturnPlan #FemaleAliasUsage #USPolitics #TransparencyAndAccountability #Politics #News
#talkingpointsmemo #rudygiulianiemails #electionoverturnplan #femalealiasusage #uspolitics #transparencyandaccountability #politics #news
Josh Marashall at is a singular national treasure; capable of delivery calm, deeply insightful analysis of our political landscape.
#talkingpointsmemo #joshmarshall
I know everyone's been caught up over the up and down drama of the last few days, but this is always good advice.
The False Equivalence Between The ‘Far Right’ And The ‘Hard Left’
#TalkingPointsMemo #FalseEquivalence #FarRight #HardLeft #PoliticalExtremism #MediaAnalysis #Politics #News
#talkingpointsmemo #falseequivalence #farright #hardleft #politicalextremism #mediaanalysis #politics #news
I think this is a pretty decent write-up on the debt ceiling negotiations. As always Josh Marshall @ Talking Points Memo has a sane, nuanced take: McCarthy is getting very little in exchange for keeping the economy safe.
It's not optimal but politics means you don't always get 100% of what you want.
Yes, it's bullshit that they pulled this, but let's be sure they don't take the House in '24.
#talkingpointsmemo #debtceiling
Trying to figure out why I so love the Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo) podcast:
1. Kate Riga does an excellent job of proscribing how Dems should fight in Congress;
2. Josh Marshall is superlative in explaining how politics works; and
3. Somehow I have a man-crush on Josh Marshall.
Side note: I've been following TPM since 2000.
Available here or wherever finer podcasts are downloaded:
#tpm #talkingpointsmemo #joshmarshallpodcast
Mississippi Gov Launches Reelection Bid With Video Of Him As Clint Eastwood Shooting People Of Color
#TalkingPointsMemo #MississippiGovernor #ReelectionBid #ClintEastwood #Racism #PoliticalCampaign #Politics #News
#talkingpointsmemo #mississippigovernor #reelectionbid #clinteastwood #racism #politicalcampaign #politics #news
Florida State House Votes To Hide DeSantis’ Travel Records As He Preps 2024 Announcement
#TalkingPointsMemo #FloridaStateHouse #DeSantisTravelRecords #2024Announcement #TransparencyMatters #PoliticalAccountability #Politics #News
#talkingpointsmemo #floridastatehouse #desantistravelrecords #2024announcement #transparencymatters #politicalaccountability #politics #news
#BreakingNews from #TalkingPointsMemo #TPM More trouble for lying, cheating, stealing #GeorgeSantos - or whatever his real name is!
#Politics #RepublicansInDisarray #GQP #corruptgop #georgesantos #tpm #talkingpointsmemo #breakingnews
#TalkingPointsMemo begins series on #meadowstexts
Mark Meadows Exchanged Texts With 34 Members Of Congress About Plans To #Overturn The 2020 #Election
The Messages Included Battle Cries, Crackpot Legal Theories, And ‘Invoking Marshall Law!!’
#election #overturn #meadowstexts #talkingpointsmemo
Elect a bunch #GQP clowns, expect a clown show!
Care of #TalkingPointsMemo #TPM
#tpm #talkingpointsmemo #laughingstock #uspolitics #houseofrepresentatives #shitshow #speakerofthehouse #houserebublicans #GQP
Elect a bunch #GQP clowns, expect a clown show!
Care of #TalkingPointsMemo #TPM
#tpm #talkingpointsmemo #laughingstock #Politics #houseofrepresentatives #shitshow #speakerofthehouse #houserebublicans #GQP
Here's are some takeaways from the #January6 #J6 final hearing today. I hope this now opens the door for indictments and charges! #MerrickGarland I'm talking to you!
From #TalkingPointsMemo #TPM
#tpm #talkingpointsmemo #MerrickGarland #J6 #January6