Join us Thurs., March 16, at 12pm ET for a #TalkingShop on the Inflation Reduction Act's implementation and climate implications with Lori Lodes, Jigar Shah, and Peggy Shepard.
RSVP here:
Okay so my followers on Instagram really like the Starfish nipples. I though that maybe I hit a particular tag at the right time but nope. According to the analytics, all the engagement is from my existing followers just digging a half naked mer-barbarian with starfish covering their nips.
#TalkingShop #WorkingArtist #ArtistTalk #SocialMedia #Instagram
#instagram #socialmedia #artisttalk #workingartist #talkingshop
Join us Thursday, Jan. 12, at 12pm ET for our first #TalkingShop of the year: an overview of the biggest climate stories of 2022, and what they mean for the climate in 2023, with
Saleemul Huq, @billmckibben and Dr. Marcia Rocha.