Ahhh #Coburg, the land of youth jail, homonationalism and beautiful public beaches - but no picnics allowed.
There's probably other stuff too I'm only here for like 2 hours
#coburg #picnicliberationfront #talkingsmack
For a while, Prigozhin was riding so high that he started channeling Julius Caesar AND Edward G. Robinson’s Dathan:
“I led my men into Rostov-on-Don and took control of everything! Without a shot fired.
Whaddaya thinka your Pooty-Poot Peter the Great-wannabe Messiah now?!Rubicon, Schmubicon.
I got yo’ Rubicon, right here, buddy boy!”
#Prigozhin #RostovOnDon #RussianCoup #Putin #UkraineWar #JuliusCaesar #EdwardGRobinson #TalkingSmack
#talkingsmack #edwardgrobinson #JuliusCaesar #UkraineWar #Putin #russiancoup #RostovOnDon #prigozhin