Would have graduated from PT today if I hadn't injured myself again... at PT.
#VeryGraceful #Klutz #ProneToInjury #PainInTheNeck #BackPain #CantCatchABreak #IShoulntSayBreakTooLoudly #Shhh #TooManyHashtags #ThePowersThatBeAreListening #OkayThisIsGettingOutOfHand #EnoughWithTheHashtags #RunningTheJokeIntoTheGround #ButSometimesThatsFunnyOnItsOwn #ButNotThisTime #HowDoIEndThis #IStillHaveCharactersLeft #OhForTheLoveOf #StopItJess #No #TalkingToMyself #LikeGollum #MyPrecious #500CharactersYet #Yes
#verygraceful #klutz #pronetoinjury #painintheneck #backpain #cantcatchabreak #ishoulntsaybreaktooloudly #shhh #toomanyhashtags #thepowersthatbearelistening #okaythisisgettingoutofhand #enoughwiththehashtags #runningthejokeintotheground #butsometimesthatsfunnyonitsown #butnotthistime #howdoiendthis #istillhavecharactersleft #ohfortheloveof #stopitjess #no #talkingtomyself #likegollum #myprecious #500charactersyet #yes
when your superpower is reaching out to people at the worst possible time 🙃 #talkingToMyself
I'm starting to regret not putting my introduction post as something like "Just setting up my Mastodon" I could be able to sell it as an NFT or something if I ever get in the slightest bit noteworthy.
I might change my username to my real name, though and include a real picture of my face to ensure people here never sleep again.
Also, have a sleepy dog, as they are too many cats.
An Apology for Art
The art I make is not about communicating. My art is about being communicable, like an infectious disease. I aim to be virulent, not inviting. The audience will invite itself. Or not. I often tag posts #talkingtomyself #lettingyoulisten. A 19th century Hasidic Rabbi said that, 'I'm talking to myself and letting you listen." I repeat it, often, because it encapsulates my relationship to my work and any audience sitting out there in the dark theater of the Nietzchean abyss. 1/
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
An Apology for Art
The art I make is not about communicating. My art is about being communicable, like an infectious disease. I aim to be virulent, not inviting. The audience will invite itself. Or not. I often tag posts #talkingtomyself #lettingyoulisten. A 19th century Hasidic Rabbi said that, 'I'm talking to myself and letting you listen." I repeat it, often, because it encapsulates my relationship to my work and any audience sitting out there in the dark theater of the Nietzchean abyss. 1/
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
I do interdict myself? Very well then, I interdict myself. I am intermediate, I detain interludes.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
I do interdict myself? Very well then, I interdict myself. I am intermediate, I detain interludes.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
RT @CherisHodges@twitter.com
Ma'am get off the Internet and go write a book. You have a deadline.
#Talkingtomyself #Butifyouneedthisword #Logoff
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CherisHodges/status/1598855510417354754
#logoff #butifyouneedthisword #talkingtomyself
And what does this mean!? #NewbieTryingToBlendIn #NewbieHelp #TalkingToMyself
#talkingtomyself #newbiehelp #newbietryingtoblendin
Will I never learn! .......Stop watching political TV programmes, you learn nothing and it just makes you angry ...... #TalkingToMyself #BBCLuaraK
Get off your phone and finish your #book !
#book #talkingtomyself #faithandwisdominscience
We walk on water, but only because our brains are still wet. It'll be the ford of me yet.
Not tweet nor toot but drool.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
We walk on water, but only because our brains are still wet. It'll be the ford of me yet.
Not tweet nor toot but drool.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
Do not mistake product for purpose. Bite the torus, baby. You need a paint roller for that worldline. Paint need not a ply.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
Do not mistake product for purpose. Bite the torus, baby. You need a paint roller for that worldline. Paint need not a ply.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
When asked a question, consider silence. It works for God.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself
When asked a question, consider silence. It works for God.
#lettingyoulisten #talkingtomyself