4 Horror Movies Like The Last Voyage of the Demeter That Have a Vampire, Boat, or a Black Doctor! (#Link Below)
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#link #horror #horrormovie #HorrorCommunity #HorrorFam #horrorfamily #film #films #FilmMastodon #movies #movie #cinemastodon #cinema #reading #read #funny #fun #listicle #writer #writersofmastodon #writingcommunity #talktome #mutantfam #vampire #boat
My wife and kids were out this evening so I hit the theater solo and saw #TalkToMe. Another great #horror film from A24. Great concept, well executed story, outstanding actors. Good tension throughout. That's the first horror film I've seen in the theaters in a loooong time. Usually I just park it on the couch when I have a night to myself. It's fun to be scared in a group.
Mit etwas Verspätung nach deutschem Kinostart haben wir dem #A24-#Horrorfilm #TalkToMe nun doch noch die #Hand gereicht.
#Filmkritik #DieLetzteFilmkritik #Podcast #Podcasts #Kritik #Review #Rezension #Horror #Filmcast #Kino #Kinokritik
#a24 #horrorfilm #talktome #hand #filmkritik #dieletztefilmkritik #podcast #podcasts #Kritik #review #rezension #horror #filmcast #kino #kinokritik
What is the best thing you did for yourself today?
What is the best thing you did for someone else today?
#DoGoodToday #talktome #EndorseYourEfforts
The best thing I did for myself today was, work despite the pain. The best thing I did for someone else was, I helped a customer find joy in having key copies cut. She needed four keys cut, expecting silver. I showed her the designed selection, still only $3 per key, and we chatted about the key receivers as we chose a design for each one.
#dogoodtoday #talktome #endorseyourefforts
My thoughts on the most talked about horror movie of the year. Video on #TalkToMe up now.
This week ya old gal made it out to the movies 🍿 I also watched a zombie version of Romeo and Juliet, revisited Freddie and Zombieland #LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #Filmastodon #Cinemastodon #Movie #Movies #Film #Films #horror #horrormovies #horrorfam #talktome #FreddyKruger #zombies
#letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #filmastodon #cinemastodon #movie #movies #film #films #horror #horrormovies #horrorfam #talktome #freddykruger #zombies
Sophie Wilde in Talk to Me (2022) per la regia di Danny Philippou e Michael Philippou
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #DannyPhilippou #MichaelPhilippou #SophieWilde #AaronMcLisky #TalktoMe #unocinema
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #dannyphilippou #michaelphilippou #sophiewilde #aaronmclisky #talktome #unocinema
Wat is er aan de hand? Lees het in mijn review van Talk to Me https://denachtvlinders.nl/wat-is-er-aan-de-hand-lees-het-in-mijn-review-van-talk-to-me/
#TalkToMe update: movie was mid? cinematography was top-notch #horror, a couple of the young performers had great talent, concept was brilliant but execution and pacing just were not there IMO. issues with muddled character motivations, worldbuilding, etc. will def look for a next outing from these filmmakers but overall, like, a B, B minus even?
Vanavond #TalkToMe gezien op een gratis Rotterdampaskaartje. Dat was... something else.
La Main (2023)
Ce film est d’un calme plat désolant… De bonnes idées mais bien trop sage pour convaincre pleinement.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/la_main/critique/292978467
#LaMain #TalktoMe #DannyPhilippou #MichaelPhilippou #RackaRacka #Film #Cinema
#lamain #talktome #dannyphilippou #michaelphilippou #rackaracka #film #cinema
Gizmodo: Even Peter Jackson Got Spooked by That Terrifying Talk to Me Hand https://gizmodo.com/peter-jackson-a24-talk-to-me-horror-lord-of-the-rings-1850737139 #thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
#thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
@Champagne Apparently, Kuwait banned #TalkToMe because one of the actors is trans. Not that it's in any way relevant to the movie itself, but that's what hate does.
I'm watching Talk to Me (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/talk-to-me-2023 #TalkToMe #trakt
After #Barbenheimer, my next cinema double header is #TalkToMe and #JoyRide.
I've got plenty of catching up to do after a two week holiday. May have to take my daughter to see #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtlesMutantMayhem as my wife is definitely not interested; but the bigger question is if either of us can be bothered to see #GranTurismo, which looks like utter trash.
#films #film #movies #movie #granturismo #teenagemutantninjaturtlesmutantmayhem #joyride #talktome #barbenheimer
@w7voa ha! I have yet to see #Barbie. But, I did see #TalkToMe & I think it is funny that they are banning a horror film. Those ideas & beliefs are alien to all societies because… checks notes… it’s a fictional piece of work that deals with communing with the dead/demons which is not something one can really do in reality.
#Barbie and #TalktoMe movies banned in #Kuwait as they "promulgate ideas and beliefs that are alien to Kuwaiti society and public order." https://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=3105733&language=en