Jason Pettus :blobrainbow: · @jasonpettus
349 followers · 1441 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Read my ★ review of the recent Noah Baumbach film "White Noise," which like my look the other day at the 1985 novel this was adapted from turned out to be a pretentious, nearly unwatchable disaster, promising thrills about mind-controlling drugs and "airborne toxic events" but in reality just another endlessly talky MFA festival snoozer. letterboxd.com/jasonpettus/fil

#review #film #movie #whitenoise #noahbaumbach #terrible #pretentious #talky #snoozer #oscarbaitfail

Last updated 2 years ago

UncoveredMyths · @UncoveredMyths
479 followers · 949 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

This afternoon I have to do an unwanted .

Is a talky ever wanted?

Seriously. It would take 2 seconds to turn on speech to text for businesses to send an email. So I can read and comprehend it. Before responding.

Then they get fussy that after an hour long talky, I still have no clue what they said.

When a two minute Talky into a speech to text program would have allowed them to communicate with me.

And for the rare person, if there is such a creature, who want to do a talky back, can do so at their convenience.

Make Talkies obsolete!

#actuallyautistic #talky

Last updated 2 years ago

solilo guy · @dirk
72 followers · 612 posts · Server computerfairi.es

Personally, I have positive experiences using the software with my comics course.

They say it's for up to 6 people, but everything is going smoothly with 10+ participants from different platforms.

(One of the others is using it on her phone, though, and frequently gets kicked out of the chat.)

I've found it in the recommendations section of the site.

(Next apocalypse I'll try , though...)


#videoconferencing #talky #cryptoparty #nextcloudtalk

Last updated 5 years ago