Forestry Corporation's logging operations halted in Tallaganda State Forest, glider found dead
"After discovering a dead endangered marsupial, Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) has been issued a stop-work order in a state-owned forest near Canberra".
"EPA investigators discovered a dead southern greater glider beside a logging area within the Tallaganda State Forest. This habitat is ground zero in the race to save this critically threatened species," she said. WWF conservation scientist Kita Ashman"
Stop logging native forests in a climate and biodiversity emergency!
#FCNSW #logging #StopLogging #StopEcocide #TallagandaSF #EndangeredSpecies #conservation #gliders Extinction makers
#fcnsw #logging #stoplogging #stopecocide #tallagandasf #endangeredspecies #conservation #gliders
NSW forestry agency ordered to stop logging after greater glider found dead
The state-owned New South Wales forestry agency has been ordered to immediately stop logging in parts of a state forest after the Environment Protection Authority found a dead greater glider – an endangered species – nearby.
#TallagandaSF #logging #biodiversity #wildlife #FCNSW #StopLogging
#tallagandasf #logging #biodiversity #wildlife #fcnsw #stoplogging
Home of endangered marsupial hit by state-sanctioned logging in NSW, environmentalists say
"Conservationists say Forestry Corporation of NSW logging operation is ‘knocking to pieces’ a forest home to the greater glider..The greater glider is Australia’s largest gliding marsupial. It was listed as endangered in 2022 after losing significant parts of its habitat to bushfire, drought, land-clearing and logging."
#NSW #endangered #habitats #species #StopLogging #NativeForest #TallagandaSF #ForestryCorporation #NSWLogging #NSWForestry #ThreatenedSpecies #marsupials #biodiversity
#nsw #endangered #habitats #species #stoplogging #nativeforest #tallagandasf #forestrycorporation #nswlogging #nswforestry #threatenedspecies #marsupials #biodiversity