It blows my mind that Tamako Market will be 10 years old. This brings home the pont, of course.
List 5 Anime Series/Movies to get to know you.
- #LizAndTheBlueBird
- #TamakoMarket / #TamakoLoveStory
- #CardcaptorSakura #Cardcaptors #CCS (not Clear Card, haven't watched it)
- #WelcomeToTheNHK #NHKNiYoukoso! (anime)
- #HaruhiSuzumiya series
A mixture of art, wholesomeness, cuteness, facing societal dread together, and chaotic fun. My favourite combination
#lizandthebluebird #tamakomarket #tamakolovestory #cardcaptorsakura #cardcaptors #ccs #welcometothenhk #nhkniyoukoso #haruhisuzumiya #anime #manga #weeb #otaku
@animefeminist Not a specific instance, but either the times I finished watching Tamako Market with someone (which led me to talk with the person who became my girlfriend) or watching Liz and the Blue Bird for the first time and crying at the concert band practice scene.
#anime #tamakomarket #lizandthebluebird
Choi from that anime with the annoying bird
#loli #masturbation #tamakomarket