Tamaryn - Cranekiss (2015) / shoegaze like Cocteau Twins
Youtube https://youtu.be/XIO2tvOJSqc
Bandcamp: https://tamaryn.bandcamp.com/track/cranekiss
The album is also called Cranekiss. I've known of this artist before but I played a different album on repeat, Dreaming in the Dark (2019), because that one's closer to darkwave. This is a gorgeous single and now I have go through her entire discography.
Apparently she's from #NewZealand but is now based in LA
#Tamaryn #shoegaze #CocteauTwins @alternativenation
#newzealand #tamaryn #shoegaze #cocteautwins
Tamaryn has walked an interesting path from shoegazey dream pop to synth pop to the edges of darkwave, generally sticking to a similar tone but changing up stylistically every so often.
She's been added to our knowledge base at https://thepropagandasite.com/artist/tamaryn
#tPsNewEntry #Tamaryn
#music #musicdiscovery #newmusic
#newmusic #musicdiscovery #music #tamaryn #tpsnewentry
Heard a Tamaryn song at the bar tonight, "Love Fade" from "The Waves" (2010), and I was kinda floored. First I was like, "Wait, I know this song", then "hey, that's Tamaryn!", finally, "Hold up, she's popular enough she's in this jukebox, and someone picked her?? Woah."
I hope she's doing well these days.
#tamaryn #fuzz #Shoegaze #jukebox #bar #buzzed #Music
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