Due nuove segnalazioni dedicate allə adultə nella sezione "Risorse gratuite" del sito:
OlongoAfrica con dieci racconti in #edo, #hausa, #ibibio, #igbo, #nigerianpidgin, #shona, #swahili, #tamazight, #tiv e #yoruba.
Jalada Africa con il racconto “The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright” di #NgugiwaThiongo tradotto in decine di lingue nazionali africane
#samalegge #leggereinlinguamadre #linguamadre #mammalingua #linguenazionaliafricane #mastolibri
#EDO #Hausa #ibibio #Igbo #nigerianpidgin #shona #swahili #tamazight #tiv #Yoruba #ngugiwathiongo #samalegge #leggereinlinguamadre #linguamadre #mammalingua #linguenazionaliafricane #mastolibri
RT @lessanspages
Le 8 mars, c'est toute l'année chez #lessanspagEs !
📆 En avril 2023, on continue de réduire le biais de genre sur @Wikipedia_fr 🔥
Ca se passe à #Toulouse, #Québec, #Paris, #Liège, #Meyrin, et bien sûr en ligne ! Rejoignez-nous 🤗
#biaisdegenre #qaf2023 #wikipedia #tamazight #meyrin #liege #paris #quebec #toulouse #LesSansPages
Le 8 mars, c'est toute l'année chez #lessanspagEs !
📆 En avril 2023, on continue de réduire le biais de genre sur @Wikipedia_fr 🔥
Ca se passe à #Toulouse, #Québec, #Paris, #Liège, #Meyrin, et bien sûr en ligne ! Rejoignez-nous 🤗
#biaisdegenre #qaf2023 #wikipedia #tamazight #meyrin #liege #paris #quebec #toulouse #LesSansPages
The programme for this year’s #SummerSchool in #Languages and #Linguistics (July 10–21, hybrid online/in Leiden) has been published! Specials this year include the minor Anatolian languages, #AncientEgyptian for linguists, Central Atlas #Tamazight and Comparative #Afroasiatic (w/ @PhDniX), and the indigenous languages of North America https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/education/study-programmes/summer-schools/summer-school-in-languages-and-linguistics #LeidenUniversity
#LeidenUniversity #afroasiatic #tamazight #ancientegyptian #linguistics #languages #summerschool
delicious 'jatvood immim' (phonetic in berber language*) breakfast at our hotel 'la vallee des pommes'.
now, at 9 o'clock it is -2°C
luckily we had enough blankets 😜
we are in m'semrir now and very excited to cross the high atlas via
pass 'tizi n'uguent zegsaoun' (2639m) to tamtatouchte.
*again we are learning a new language 🤓 in this region of morocco #berber talk #tamazight
#atlasmountain #morocco #cycling #bikepacking #tamazight #berber
With all the talk a/t "mastodon", I wondered how to say it in #Tamazight. Given its etym, an inelegant portmanteau:
ⴰⵊⵊⵔⴳⴱⴱⵓⵛ - ağğergbbuš
or ⴰⵣⵔⴳⴱⴱⵓⵛ - azergbbuš
> perhaps a less clunky:
ⴰⵊⵔⴳⵓⴱⴱⵓ - ajergubbu
ⴰⵣⵔⴳⵓⴱⴱⵓ - azergubbu (or azergbbu)
Re #nlproc and endangered languages, like #tamazight
My current thought is to forgo completely, in the system I am building, the idea of separated natural languages:
Un jour, je rendrai bien hommage à cette dame, au nom de : Samia Saad-Bouzefrane.
Le premier lexique informatique en #tamazight sur lequel je suis tombé sur le Web, il y a de cela plusieures années, était son œuvre.
J’aimerais bien faire passer un coup d’OCR dessus, corriger minutieusement le superflus, puis y générer un texte raw dans divers formats.
#Tifinagh #Tamazight #Tamahaq #Tamanrasset
Ping @ButterflyOfFire@mastodon.social
#tamanrasset #tamahaq #tamazight #tifinagh