Number 61 of 150
Starting a new batch. This round will be 15 illustrations of diverse people with various visible disabilities... [Continued in First Comment]
#artsample #cartoon #child #childrensillustration #cochlearimplant #color #commission #deaf #digitalart #disabled #drawing #girl #hearingimpaired #hispanic #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #latina #latine #latinx #LearningAZ #music #standingpose #tambourine #visibledisability
#artsample #cartoon #child #childrensillustration #cochlearimplant #color #commission #deaf #digitalart #disabled #drawing #girl #hearingimpaired #hispanic #illustration #illustrator #isolatedonwhite #karenbjones #latina #latine #latinx #learningaz #music #standingpose #tambourine #visibledisability
Happy #InternationalRomaDay!
RT @UNDP_Kosovo: W/our partners, @EUKosovo & @MKRS_KS, to celebrate the #InternationalRomaniDay, we share with you a story of a father and his daughter from Janjevë/o, #RomaniCulture, and their thriving #tambourine business 🎶 Story:
#InternationalRomaDay #InternationalRomaniDay #RomaniCulture #tambourine
Beating from the FunHouse
#misèredelaphilosophie #drums #tambourine #funhouse #thestooges #punk #psychedelic #garage #rocknroll
#miseredelaphilosophie #drums #tambourine #funhouse #TheStooges #punk #psychedelic #garage #rocknroll
“ 12.Old Hippies Never Die – 52Frames_Music ”
I was looking at several different ideas but when I was moving my skeletons to gain access to the inside of the piano, this one came to mind. An upcoming exhibit (June) for MPPC at the Library has a 70's theme, so this one, or one similar might be one that I display there. I didn't have a lot of time to pe
#2023 #52project #70's #hippie #music #skeleton #tambourine
#52project #hippie #music #skeleton #tambourine
small #tambourine #dance to make the #PlayWright play nice with both chromium and webkit 😅
#tambourine #dance #playwright
Anybody else hav e to walk around the houseshaking a #tambourine to avoid giving bystanders heart attacks from fright? I know I walk like a ghost but I don't know if it's a habit I picked up from Canadian Armed Forces training or #autistic toe-walking. Regardless, I don't seem to have mastered heel-strike.
"Na da reisst mir doch glatt das Tambourine!"
Hm, gibt es eine Chance dieses Kinder-Tambourine zu retten?
Der Bezug ist ursprünglich aus Papier und auf den Rand aufgeklebt.
Ansonsten geht das Instrument aus Papas Werkstatt ohne neue Bespannung zurück in die Kinderzimmer 🤘
#tambourine #herrkapellmeister #keineAhnungWenIchSonstFragenSoll
#tambourine #herrkapellmeister #keineAhnungWenIchSonstFragenSoll
Bob Dylan Lyric Sheets For `Rolling Stone` and `Tambourine Man` Up For Sale #dylan #lyric #sheets #rolling #stone #tambourine #sale #30maggio
#30maggio #sale #tambourine #stone #rolling #sheets #lyric #dylan
I am really enjoying all the new #introductions happening currently and all the lovely art, yes yes!!
Sloth and Manatee say hello and play you a tune
#sloth #manatee #mastoart #creativetoots #tune #guitar #tambourine #music #hello
#hello #music #tambourine #guitar #tune #CreativeToots #MastoArt #manatee #sloth #introductions
I relied on a 1923 book about reading tea leaves to discover the symbolism behind various musical instruments. My take-away is that you never know what you may find on Project Gutenberg.
#tea #tealeaves #guitar #music #fortune #projectgutenberg #newleafjournal #TheNewLeafJournal #lute #drum #piano #violin #tambourine
#tambourine #violin #piano #drum #lute #TheNewLeafJournal #newleafjournal #projectgutenberg #fortune #music #guitar #tealeaves #tea