Sending support for Tammy Baldwin. Spread the word.
@realTuckFrumper Re-elect #TammyBaldwin - one of my favorite senators. #Wisconsin
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Women in Congress Are Wrongly Defending Dianne Feinstein, Who Should Retire #Jezebel #politicalpositionsofkirstengillibrand #unitedstatessenators #kirstengillibrand #diannefeinstein #marshablackburn #johnfetterman #legislatures #amyklobuchar #meetthepress #tammybaldwin #chuckschumer #normatorres #nancypelosi #politicians #tomcotton #politics #biden
#jezebel #politicalpositionsofkirstengillibrand #unitedstatessenators #kirstengillibrand #diannefeinstein #marshablackburn #johnfetterman #legislatures #amyklobuchar #meetthepress #tammybaldwin #chuckschumer #normatorres #NancyPelosi #politicians #tomcotton #politics #Biden
Editor #RuthConniff's column today: Recent political developments offer good timing for #TammyBaldwin reelection bid.
Tammy Baldwin launches re-election bid, setting up 2024 Senate battle in Wisconsin via #journalsentinel #wisconsin #wi #tammybaldwin #senate #WiDems
#widems #senate #tammybaldwin #wi #Wisconsin #journalsentinel
Pink News: All 13 LGBTQ+ members of Congress, from Tammy Baldwin to George Santos #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #georgesantos #TammyBaldwin #Politics #Congress #News #US
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #georgesantos #tammybaldwin #politics #congress #news #us
I’m a self-styled pragmatic progressive who gets things done and political junkie — not for the horse race, but for action. Some of my heroes include…
#hillaryclinton #tammybaldwin #pattymurrary #kirstengillibrand #KamalaHarris #barneyfrank #maziehirono #jaredpolis #nancypelosi #gretchenwhitmer #patriciatodd #laurenunderwood #sharicedavids #petebuttigieg #lucybaxley #geraldineferraro #annrichards #shirleychisholm #francesperkins #eleanorroosevelt #fdr #waltermondale #patsymink #RBG
It's a good day for marriage equality! It should have been obvious without having to sign it into law, but still a victory. Many thanks to President #Biden and to my Senator #TammyBaldwin for her leadership role in making this day a reality.
#biden #tammybaldwin #marriageequality #respectformarriageact
How senators 'defied political gravity' on same-sex marriage #UnitedStatesgovernment #Governmentandpolitics #TammyBaldwin #RobPortman #Lifestyle #APTopNews #Wisconsin #Politics #U.S.News #Marriage
#marriage #u #politics #wisconsin #aptopnews #lifestyle #robportman #tammybaldwin #governmentandpolitics #unitedstatesgovernment
I'm glad to hear that the House has passed legislation on #marriageequality. The Respect for Marriage Act is important to safeguard the right for all Americans to marry. Biden can't sign it fast enough for me. Special kudos for my Sen #TammyBaldwin and my Rep #MarkPocan, both proudly gay, for their roles in making this happen! As a person in an interracial marriage, I'm also thrilled.
#marriageequality #tammybaldwin #markpocan #respectformarriageact
The Respect For Marriage Act Just Got Senate-Approved, But You Already Know There Were Some Haters | #samesexmarriageintheunitedstates #respectformarriageact #samesexmarriageinguam #obergefellvhodges #diannefeinstein #samesexmarriage #lindseygraham #inlgbthistory #socialissues #susancollins #lawbycountry #tammybaldwin #unitsoftime #lgbthistory #marcorubio #roevwade #politics #tedcruz #decades #hodges #biden
#samesexmarriageintheunitedstates #respectformarriageact #samesexmarriageinguam #obergefellvhodges #diannefeinstein #samesexmarriage #lindseygraham #inlgbthistory #socialissues #susancollins #lawbycountry #tammybaldwin #unitsoftime #lgbthistory #marcorubio #roevwade #Politics #tedcruz #decades #hodges #Biden
In today's #WisconsinExaminer, from #StatesNewsroom DC bureau’s #JenniferShutt: Bipartisan vote in U.S. Senate advances #RespectforMarriage Act that Sen. #TammyBaldwin has been working for to codify #marriageequality for same-sex & interracial couples. Sen. #RonJohnson voted no.
#ronjohnson #MarriageEquality #tammybaldwin #respectformarriage #jennifershutt #statesnewsroom #wisconsinexaminer
In today's #WisconsinExaminer: Bipartisan bill championed by Sen. #TammyBaldwin to codify same-sex & interracial marriage rights moves forward.
#tammybaldwin #wisconsinexaminer
Sharing today's news from the Wisconsin Examiner:
#Obamacare open enrollment starts today. Our reporter Baylor Spears follows a series of info sessions & rallies to encourage people to sign up for Affordable Care Act coverage. #Wisconsin #Insurance commissioner, #CoveringWisconsin, #TammyBaldwin #MarkPocan, #ProtectOurCare
#ProtectOurCare #markpocan #tammybaldwin #coveringwisconsin #insurance #wisconsin #Obamacare