"Wait. I know that I've said this a lot, but this time I mean it. We should put leaves in our underwear." - Tina Belcher in "Sit Me Baby, One More Time" (2017)
Putting leaves inside your pants when dealing with a babysitting client who is known for kicking people in the crotch. Leaves: Nature's Protection Cup.
#BobsBurgers #JimmyPestoJr #Zeke #TammyLarsen #TinaBelcher #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersZeke #BobsBurgersTammy #BobsBurgersTina
#bobsburgers #jimmypestojr #tammylarsen #tinabelcher #bobsburgerszeke #zeke #bobsburgerstammy #bobsburgersjimmyjr #bobsburgerstina
That time both Tina and Tammy peeped through a hole on the boys' locker room and spotted Zeke and Jimmy Jr.
#BobsBurgers #TinaBelcher #TammyLarsen #JimmyPestoJr #Zeke #BobsBurgersTina #BobsBurgersTammy #BobsBurgersJimmyJr #BobsBurgersZeke
#bobsburgers #tinabelcher #tammylarsen #bobsburgerstammy #bobsburgersjimmyjr #bobsburgerszeke #jimmypestojr #zeke #bobsburgerstina