Letting People Starve Just The Christian Thing To Do https://www.wonkette.com/letting-people-starve-just-the-christian-thing-to-do
#Debt_ceiling #Jason_mattera #Poverty #Snap #Tanf #Work_requirements
#Work_requirements #tanf #snap #poverty #Jason_mattera #debt_ceiling
#News is that Pres #JoeBiden is considering Speaker #KevinMcCarthy's demands to decrease funding, add #WorkRequirements, & raise the age of "abled body adults" from 18-50 to 18-56 on #SocialServices like #FoodStamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / #SNAP).
I need my friends & followers to write the President. We need to tell him to keep hands OFF on #SocialWelfare programs, like SNAP, #TANF, #WIC, #AffordableHousing assistance, #HeadStart, & others.
#headstart #affordablehousing #wic #tanf #socialwelfare #snap #FoodStamps #socialservices #workrequirements #kevinmccarthy #joebiden #news
$11.75/hr, 8-10hr shifts, Saturdays as needed, injuries to hands and fingers are common, earplugs and steel-toed boots required, 30F temperature, drug test, no benefits, temporary status. This is a bad job: a temp job at a sausage factory with poor working conditions and low pay.
But if you're poor and you want your Temporary Assistance for Needy Families check, you have to take it, or you won't get your check
#poverty #inequality #TANF #welfare #work #employment #GOP
#poverty #inequality #tanf #welfare #work #employment #gop
🧵 4/6
4th, #Republicans want to cut #GovernmentSpending on #SocialWelfare prgms incl #SocialSecurity, #Medicare/#Medicaid, #SNAP/#FoodStamps, & COVID relief. It's #ClassWarfare blaming poor for #nationaldebt. Yes #SocialServices is a fair % of the budget, but so is the military & they arent cutting that. Besides for every $1 the gov puts into SNAP we get about $1.79 in economic activity. It's true for other #PublicAssistance prgms like #TANF, #Section8 & others.
#news #debtceiling #KevinMcCarthy
#kevinmccarthy #debtceiling #news #section8 #tanf #publicassistance #socialservices #nationaldebt #classwarfare #snap #medicare #socialsecurity #socialwelfare #governmentspending #republicans
The US TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program replaced welfare, but most of its funds have not been going to aid families in poverty. Instead of helping w/daycare costs, etc., it’s given out as block grants to states where it’s often hoarded/wasted on unnecessary projects/used to spread disinformation. Even w/3 children & earning $9/hr you can be considered too rich for #tanf grants. You can be kicked off it while you’re in a coma. #lastweektonight
#Indiana set to expand access to temporary government help for low-income people - eventually
“Currently, people in Indiana earning 16 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible for TANF. For a family of four, that’s take-home pay of less than $400 a month.
“The bill gradually increases that over the next four years to 50 percent of the federal poverty level – for that family of four, still less than $1,000 a month.”
On the 1st, 73,000 San Francisco CalFresh COVID benefits ended – meaning many people went from receiving $281 a month to $23, while food prices have soared.
$23/month? Literally, the administrative costs of the program for many are greater than the benefits provided, but God, with a capital G, forbid we provide a single penny to a poor person without jumping thru hoops while we give millions to those who already have millions for their pet projects.
This was Bill Clinton's doing.
One example: a woman briefly profiled in this podcast episode -- she had a low-paying, no benefits job, lost it when her car broke down and she couldn't afford to fix it, and wound up on TANF
#poverty #TheUncertainHour #inequality #work #economics #welfare #TANF
#poverty #theuncertainhour #inequality #work #economics #welfare #tanf
TANF: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
#news #politics #uspolitics #lastweektonight #tanf
The (predominantly) women who do unpaid care work are heavily reliant on programs like #TemporaryAssistanceForNeedyFamilies (#TANF), which is not indexed to inflation and has fallen in real terms every year since 1996 - a total drop of 40% in a generation.
Even if you don't care about gender equity, equity for disabled people, or a dignified old age for our elders, this should concern you.
#temporaryassistanceforneedyfamilies #tanf
CW: This is a brutal series about seeking TANF cash assistance benefits. These people exist, they need help. These programs don't work. Our society is collapsing. US is more and more a failed state. Our #SafetyNet is getting worse and worse.
#SocialCollapse #TANF #MutualAid #SocialWork @socialwork
#safetynet #socialcollapse #tanf #mutualaid #socialwork
A new brief from the Center for Law and Social Policy recommends actions that federal, state, and local policymakers and administrators can take to ensure
#SNAP and #tanf better meet the needs of #disabled people at a time when the disabled population is skyrocketing. Specifically, TANF and SNAP have work reporting requirements that pose tremendous barriers to accessing benefits, specifically for disabled people, including those with #LongCovid.
#snap #tanf #disabled #LongCovid
@Scott1984FP @WhiteSmokeBBQ @Mrfunkedude
The #Mississippi governor at the time of this event involving #NigelFarage and #45 presently implicated in apparent corruption involving #tanf #BrettFarve etc. Quipped at the time that a prior generation had been hasty in repealing the #AlienAndSeditionAct.
#mississippi #nigelfarage #tanf #BrettFarve #AlienAndSeditionAct
WSJ: attacco russo ad al Tanf (Siria) contro la coalizione guidata dagli USA - VP News - `vietato parlare` - Blog di Patrizio Ricci #attacco #russo #tanf #siria #coalizione #guidata #news #vietato #parlare #blog #patrizio #ricci #20giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmlldGF0b3BhcmxhcmUuaXQvd2FsbC1zdHJlZXQtam91cm5hbC1sYS1ydXNzaWEtaGEtY29uZG90dG8tYXR0YWNjaGktaW4tc2lyaWEtY29udHJvLWxhLWNvYWxpemlvbmUtZ3VpZGF0YS1kYWdsaS1zdGF0aS11bml0aS8=
#20giugno #ricci #patrizio #blog #Parlare #vietato #news #guidata #coalizione #siria #tanf #russo #attacco