Very much enjoying being back in Wellington. Saw / Heard a couple of #peakwellington things today:
1) A seagull eating a meat pie
2) Two non #TangataWhenua people having a passable conversation about a work thing in #tereomaori .
Thinking about all of the hard #mahi of some members of my #whanau , both Māori and Pākeha, to move us forward.
#whanau #Mahi #tereomaori #tangatawhenua #peakwellington
Very much enjoying being back in Wellington. Saw / Heard a couple of #peakwellington things today:
1) A seagull eating a meat pie
2) Two non #TangataWhenua people having a passable conversation about a work thing in #tereomaori .
Thinking about all of the hard #mahi of some members of my #whanau , both Māori and Pākeha, to move us forward.
#whanau #Mahi #tereomaori #tangatawhenua #peakwellington
@jonoabroad agreed - @tinangata is an essential writer. #boost #tangataWhenua
Seriously WTF people! It's 2023, not 1923, why the vitriol against tangata whenua telling the stories of their history!?!
"Durie said the majority of comments over social media had been extremely vocal against tangata whenua, even going as far as death threats."
#aotearoa #nz #colonisation #maori #tangatawhenua