Had a gentle start to the morning streaming some #tangerinedream Pergamon. Recorded in 1980 at The Palast see Republik in East Berlin. The first western band to be invited to play a concert in the DDR. Comprises two suits, one each side with their trademark tasteful synths and guitars. Side two in particular is remarkable. 900 tickets were distributed to fans on the day such was the clamour for them. Shame the Palast didn’t survive reunification but that’s another story
To jest cover Love on a Real Train autorstwa Tangerine Dream, wykonany przez chorwacki duet SymbolOne. Cudowna kompozycja legendarnej grupy, a przy okazji bardzo fajnie zinterpretowana. Uwielbiam całym swoim sercem zarówno oryginał, jak i przeróbkę.
Ale tutaj, mili Państwo, stało się coś jeszcze.
Otóż (jako nieoficjalny fanowski teledysk, ale jednak) dostaliśmy fragmenty historii z filmu Three O'Clock High z 1987 r. (nie wiem jaki jest polski tytuł, chyba 'Punktualnie o Trzeciej?') i cholera - jedno z drugim naprawdę fajnie zagrało.
Głównego bohatera gra Casey Siemaszko. Giereczkowa brać zna głos tego pana, bo użyczył głosu Wróblowi w Red Dead Redemption 2.
Czarny charakter to Richard Tyson.
#cover #tangerinedream #elektronika #muzyka
Michael Mann's #Thief (1981) is one of the most memorable films of that decade. Style, substance & a #TangerineDream soundtrack. #JamesCaan & #TuesdayWeld deliver knockout performances--their diner scene is a master class. Iconic.
#thief #tangerinedream #jamescaan #tuesdayweld
Manchmal möchte ich einfach nur noch tagelang dasitzen und #TangerineDream hören.
iPad aufladen für den #MischpultJob ab späten Nachmittag. Mehr Kaffee. Gähn.
As much as people hate on Spotify (with good reason), it has given me access to a bunch of Tangerine Dream albums from the 70s that I've never had access to before. Mainly bootleg concert recordings that were never distributed beyond West Germany.
Dit is boeiend. #LowLightMixes gaat jaar voor jaar door de elektronische muziek van de #jaren70 #seventies met iedere keer een mix van een uur. Vandaag is het jaar 1972 aan de beurt, met onder andere #Cluster, #TerryRiley, #KlausSchulze, #Kraftwerk, #WendyCarlos, #TangerineDream, #Neu! en #PinkFloyd. Luisteren!
#pinkfloyd #neu #tangerinedream #wendycarlos #kraftwerk #klausschulze #TerryRiley #cluster #seventies #jaren70 #lowlightmixes
Paul #Haslinger ist zu Gast bei Olaf Zimmermanns #ElektroBeats:
Die Sendung macht eine musikalische Zeitreise - es geht u.a. um aktuelle Produktionen, seine Soloalben, seine zahlreichen Soundtracks und nicht zuletzt die Zeit bei #TangerineDream.
#tangerinedream #Elektrobeats #haslinger
After having #TheWho on heavy rotation indeed I've put #TangerineDream Green Desert on. ॰॰॰Lojban is back on eight CPUs and awaiting any of four #BOINC projects. ॰॰॰Shall take care of the safe deposit box to-day. ॰॰॰
#thewho #tangerinedream #boinc
Heute schockieren Synthesizer-Sounds in der Popmusik niemanden mehr. Ganz im Gegenteil: Der Synthesizer ist zu einem der wichtigsten Instrumente in der Musik geworden. Als die frühe elektronische Formation Tangerine Dream allerdings 1974 in der Kathedrale in Reims auftritt, ist das Konzertpublikum völlig aus dem Häuschen. Papst IV nicht so sehr.
#DerSongDesTages #Kraftwerk #Popfilter #Reims #Songempfehlung #Synthesizer #TangerineDream #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#dersongdestages #kraftwerk #popfilter #reims #songempfehlung #synthesizer #tangerinedream #popfilterdersongdestages
This month in 1980, Tangerine Dream released their tenth studio album Tangram. #TangerineDream #80s #80smusic #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #80smusic #80s #tangerinedream
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Tangerine Dream:
🎵 Network 23
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Tangerine Dream:
🎵 The Dream Is Always the Same
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #tangerinedream
Just got back from the #tangerinedream concert. Absolutely fantastic. If they’re coming your way, I recommend it. But bring earplugs, it was loud. My watch was giving me 99db alerts.
Now Playing
Another progenitor of modern pop music
#tangerinedream #shuffleall #nowplaying #playlist #porchbeer #patiolife
Miracle Mile (1988)
Aka "Appel d'urgence"
Une petite Série B pré-apocalyptique, jusqu’au-boutiste, singulière et nihiliste.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/appel_d_urgence/critique/289031700
🎶🎵 Une ambiance pré-apocalyptique sur fond de Guerre Froide, le tout, merveilleusement accompagné au synthé par Tangerine Dream.
#MiracleMile #AppelDurgence #SteveDeJarnatt #AnthonyEdwards #TangerineDream #Apocalypse #Nucléaire #Film #Cinema
#miraclemile #appeldurgence #stevedejarnatt #anthonyedwards #tangerinedream #apocalypse #nucleaire #film #cinema
The 2019 release of "Stratosfear" includes "Coventry Cathedral", which is well worth a listen for its inclusion of analogue instruments.
I think I came to Tangerine Dream with 1979's "Force Majeure" (but I discovered it much later than that …), and after Klaus Schulze, Kraftwerk, and Fripp/Eno's "Evening Star".
Tangerine Dream, "Coventry Cathedral" (live, 4 Oct 1975)
#music #electronica #berlinschool #tangerinedream