One has to love #Phylogenomics and its fully resolved trees (first pic, based on a "supermatrix" combining complete plastomes, nrDNA and up to 500 nuclear loci)
But it can be a quick spoiler to look at the data behind them
(second pic; the authors and whoever is responsible for #PeerReview didn't bother to take the old "fragment" papers for serious)
#Phylogenomics #PeerReview #tanglegrams #maples
@smollestbunny @simon
I'd call it fascinating, nice use of #tanglegrams
Also reminds me of one of our #OldPosts at the Geneal. World Phylog. Networks
A new playground for networks and exploratory data analysis
Why adding #networks and #EDA? Humans are notorious in mixing their geno- and lingotypes as soon as we hit the road (which we always loved to do, too)
#tanglegrams #oldposts #networks #eda #phylonetworks