If you are thinking about learning how to dance #argentinetango you need to take on board that to dance successfully you have to leave #ego behind. There has to 100% acceptance of your authentic self and 100% acceptance of the other person in the dance.
#tangoDJ Yelizaveta at 'Tango Banter' IMSOtango.com talks about this in her podcast #77:
#argentinetango #milonga #mastotango #tangodancer #tangotunes #tangobanter
#argentinetango #ego #tangodj #milonga #mastotango #tangodancer #tangotunes #tangobanter
Last night's #milonga event to celebrate the 80th birthday of the Godfather of Welsh #tango was a well balanced event: dancing 50% of the time and socialising with friends for the remainder.
[Minor issue - the caterers had not included a single #glutenfree item on the food table.]
DJ must have worked really hard to find alternative #tangotune versions of our fav orchestras, unfortunately some we didn't even recognise.
#mastotango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangodj #salontango
#salontango #tangodj #tangoinwales #tangocommunity #mastotango #tangotune #glutenfree #tango #milonga
It will be far more comfortable dancing #argentinetango tomorrow at Breinton Village Hall, Hereford now that the temperatures have dropped. #herefordtango #tangohosts
#milonga #socialdance #socialtango #tangoargentino #tangocommunity #tangoinuk #vals #tango #tangoorchestra #tangodj #djnod #freeparking #tangorefreshments VISITORS WELCOME TO WATCH
#tangorefreshments #freeparking #djnod #tangodj #tangoorchestra #tango #vals #tangoinuk #tangocommunity #tangoargentino #socialtango #socialdance #milonga #tangohosts #herefordtango #argentinetango