Hi-Fi Rush ha superato i 3 milioni di giocatori
#bethesda #hifirush #tangogameworks
#XBOX ha añadido un nuevo fondo dinámico sobre #HiFiRush.
Me hubiese gustado que tuviera más movimiento, pero aún así se ve genial.
#xbox #hifirush #gaming #bethesda #tangogameworks #videojuegos
Hi-Fi RUSH se actualiza y añade dos nuevos modos de juego
#Noticias #BethesdaSoftworks #HiFiRUSH #RetoArcade #TangoGameworks #TEMPOATOPE
#noticias #bethesdasoftworks #hifirush #retoarcade #tangogameworks #tempoatope
If #HiFiRush had a bigger discount, I would have been all over it.
#Bethesda #TangoGameworks #PCGaming #SteamSummerSale #SteamSummerSale2023 #VideoGames #Gaming
#hifirush #bethesda #tangogameworks #pcgaming #steamsummersale #steamsummersale2023 #videogames #gaming
Ghostwire Tokyo supera i 5 milioni di giocatori
#bethesda #ghostwiretokyo #tangogameworks
Hi-Fi Rush's next update will add two new game modes and special CNMN attacks - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/hi-fi-rushs-next-update-will-add-two-new-game-modes-and-special-cnmn-attacks #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #RPG:Hack&Slash; #TangoGameworks #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Hack&Slash; #Platformer #Hi-FiRush #Rhythm
#Rhythm #hi #platformer #hack #thirdperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #tangogameworks #rpg #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks
Ghostwire Tokyo ha superato i 4 milioni di giocatori
#bethesda #ghostwiretokyo #tangogameworks
Ghostwire: Tokyo has added new stuff, and I have a tourism tip for new players - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/ghostwire-tokyo-has-added-new-stuff-and-i-have-a-tourism-tip-for-new-players #BethesdaSoftworks #videogametourism #TheGamePassenger #GhostWire:Tokyo #TangoGameworks #Blockbuster #Shooter #Horror
#horror #shooter #blockbuster #tangogameworks #GhostWire #TheGamePassenger #videogametourism #bethesdasoftworks
Ghostwire: Tokyo ya está disponible en Xbox Series X|S y Xbox Game Pass junto a la actualización «hilo de araña»
#Noticias #BethesdaSoftworks #Ghostwire:Tokyo #Hilodearaña #TangoGameworks #Xbox
#noticias #bethesdasoftworks #ghostwire #hilodearana #tangogameworks #xbox
Chat Hi-Fi Rush with us in RPS Game Club - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/chat-hi-fi-rush-with-us-in-rps-game-club #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hack&Slash; #Platformer #Hi-FiRush #liveblog #Rhythm
#Rhythm #liveblog #hi #platformer #hack #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks
The joy of feeling like a guitar-thrashing rockstar in Hi-Fi Rush - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-joy-of-feeling-like-a-guitar-thrashing-rockstar-in-hi-fi-rush #BethesdaGameStudios #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hack&Slash; #Hi-FiRush #TheJoyOf #Rhythm #Comedy
#comedy #Rhythm #thejoyof #hi #hack #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #bethesdagamestudios
Join us for our first RPS Game Club liveblog this Thursday - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/join-us-for-our-first-rps-game-club-liveblog-this-thursday #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hi-FiRush #liveblog #Rhythm
#Rhythm #liveblog #hi #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks
Hi-Fi Rush feels great, even when you have no sense of rhythm - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/hi-fi-rush-feels-great-even-when-you-have-no-sense-of-rhythm #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hack&Slash; #Hi-FiRush #Rhythm
#Rhythm #hi #hack #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks
How Hi-Fi Rush rediscovers its rhythm with an all-time-great fight scene - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/how-hi-fi-rush-rediscovers-its-rhythm-with-an-all-time-great-fight-scene #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hack&Slash; #Hi-FiRush
#hi #hack #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks
Ghostwire: Tokyo hits Game Pass on April 12th, alongside a big update - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/ghostwire-tokyo-hits-game-pass-on-april-12th-alongside-a-big-update #BethesdaSoftworks #GhostWire:Tokyo #XboxGameStudios #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #OpenWorld #GamePass #Horror
#horror #gamepass #openworld #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #xboxgamestudios #GhostWire #bethesdasoftworks
Hi-Fi Rush's excellent photo mode keeps stopping me from playing the damn game - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/hi-fi-rushs-excellent-photo-mode-keeps-stopping-me-from-playing-the-damn-game #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hack&Slash; #Hi-FiRush #GamePass
#gamepass #hi #hack #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks
Introducing the RPS Game Club's first game of the month - it's Hi-Fi Rush! - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/introducing-the-rps-game-clubs-first-game-of-the-month-its-hi-fi-rush #ActionAdventure #TangoGameworks #RPSGameClub #Hi-FiRush
#hi #rpsgameclub #tangogameworks #ActionAdventure
«Founder and studio head Shinji Mikami to leave Tango Gameworks» | «TrueAchievements»
Ну что, вот дед Миками свалил с очередного насиженного места. В целом не удивительно, он о подобных планах заявлял несколько раз за последние пару лет. Да и «Tango Gameworks» уже не чисто на его плечах стоят, поэтому не разделяют этих возгласов, мол студия пропала.
Хз куда он пойдет, на заслуженную пенсию или соберёт очередную маленькую студию. Но удачи ему.
Kotaku: Shinji Mikami, Resident Evil Mastermind, Leaving Studio He Founded https://kotaku.com/shinji-mikami-tango-gameworks-evil-within-ghostwire-1850150056 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #videogamepublishers #horrorvideogames #tangogameworks #ikuminakamura #platinumgames #creativeworks #shinjimikami #residentevil #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #videogaming #videogames #toddvaughn #gameworks #vanquish #capcom #okami #rush #hi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #videogamepublishers #horrorvideogames #tangogameworks #ikuminakamura #platinumgames #creativeworks #shinjimikami #residentevil #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #videogaming #videogames #toddvaughn #gameworks #vanquish #capcom #okami #rush #hi
#ShinjiMikami – seines Zeichens Gründer und CEO von #TangoGameworks – verlässt das Studio nach zwölf Jahren. Das hat Bethesda nun via Twitter bestätigt. Wohin es Mikami zieht und ob es ihn überhaupt irgendwo hinzieht, ist unklar. https://jpgames.de/2023/02/the-evil-within-schoepfer-shinji-mikami-verlaesst-tango-gameworks/