Gorgeous #tangotunes from Juan D'Arienzo.
#tango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangomedicine
#lifelonglearning #creativity
There is likely a #tangoteacher and #tangoclass where you are, whether you can master this challenging dance remains to be seen. One thing is certain, it will change your life!
#tangotunes #tango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangomedicine #lifelonglearning #creativity #tangoteacher #tangoclass
A hug is worth a thousand words.
#tangomedicine #tangoembrace #tangohug #closetangoembrace
#tangocommunity #ilovemytangofriends
#tango is good for your health
#endorphins #dopamine
#dopamine #endorphins #tango #ilovemytangofriends #tangocommunity #closetangoembrace #tangohug #tangoembrace #tangomedicine
The effect that #argentinetango has on patients with #parkinsonsdisease is well known. Do you know about it? This #TEDtalk will explain.
#tangomedicine #tango #tangoargentino #tangocommunity #tangodancing #tangohealing
#tangohealing #tangodancing #tangocommunity #tangoargentino #tango #tangomedicine #tedtalk #parkinsonsdisease #argentinetango