Gorgeous #tangotunes from Juan D'Arienzo.
#tango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangomedicine
#lifelonglearning #creativity
There is likely a #tangoteacher and #tangoclass where you are, whether you can master this challenging dance remains to be seen. One thing is certain, it will change your life!
#tangotunes #tango #mastotango #tangocommunity #tangomedicine #lifelonglearning #creativity #tangoteacher #tangoclass
When the weather is fine we attend an outdoor #milonga (#tango social dance) at the home of our #tangoteacher. Dancing en plein air is a very healthy way to exercise, but not for #hayfever sufferers obviously. 😜
And, definitely not if you are allergic to #bee stings as there are 6 #beehives in this garden space.
Live #tangomusic is a bonus, Ruth Rozzelar plays #Bandoneón
#argentinetango #tangocommunity #tangoinwales #tangodancing #salontango
#salontango #tangodancing #tangoinwales #tangocommunity #argentinetango #bandoneon #tangomusic #beehives #bee #hayfever #tangoteacher #tango #milonga
Steve is a skillful #tangoteacher and in this video helps us to understand the #tangophrases and #tangothemes in the music, which if absorbed and applied makes for a truly enriched #tangodance experience.
#tangoargentino #salontango #tangovals #tangocommunity
His school #tangoUK is at Bramshaw UK but he travels internationally to teach about his passion.
#tangouk #tangocommunity #tangovals #salontango #tangoargentino #tangodance #tangothemes #tangophrases #tangoteacher
It is the test of a quality #tangoteacher whether this is taught in the early classes or not.
Alas, too many fail to do so.
#tangoclasses #tangolessons #tangodancing #tango #tangoteacher