Steve is a skillful #tangoteacher and in this video helps us to understand the #tangophrases and #tangothemes in the music, which if absorbed and applied makes for a truly enriched #tangodance experience.
#tangoargentino #salontango #tangovals #tangocommunity
His school #tangoUK is at Bramshaw UK but he travels internationally to teach about his passion.
#tangouk #tangocommunity #tangovals #salontango #tangoargentino #tangodance #tangothemes #tangophrases #tangoteacher
When the professionals visit our #tangocommunity to deliver workshops they always give a splendid performance for our pleasure at the #milonga
The maestros: Michael Nadtochi & Eleonora Kalganova
Switch to full screen for this amazing #tangovals performance
#tangovals #milonga #tangocommunity